2025-02-27 22:44:26 UTC
PermalinkI will not lose to many words about my person in this introduction and
cut directly to the chase.
I have noticed that lately my taste in music is beginning to change. I
scroll through the radio stations, whenever I am in my car, and can
simply not listen to whatever it is they call music nowadays. It feels
like it is one and the same song. Like the same ware, in a different
package. It does not arouse much feeling in me. It feels like a kind of
aggression against my spirit. I want it turned off. On the other side,
listening to something like "Voi che sapete" from Mozart let's say... or
The ninth Simphony of Beethoven is a real experience. I get excited. By
the first one one feels the tendernes and naivity of being a stupid
young boy in love for the first time... my heart just feels that state
of being...
That was just a short introduction. I am nowhere near to being a fine
connoiseur of classical music.
This is why I took the effort, to reach this place. I have been
wondering through the "babylonical comercial jungle" of the mainstream
internet of today to reach you people. My heart longs for wisdom, for
knowledge and I shall walk the steep and narrow path for reaching it.
Please, take me, a son of philistines and teach me the ways of beauty
and art.
I shall begin with one first question>
What is the best setup for listening to classical music at my home?
Should I acquire a so called DAC and Ampliphier, Headphones or Speakers?
Could you please link a good resource for learning more about the
technical stuff so, that I can lay a solid base for my musical education?
Best Regards and thank you in advance for your answers!
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