Post by tomdeaconPost by Michael SchafferPost by tomdeaconPost by Michael SchafferClearly you didn't understand at all what I mean by that. I am not
talking about "unwanted buzzing", I am talking about the overtones of
the lower strings. These define the quality and character of the sound.Perhaps, in your opinion.
Not at all. That is not my opinion. That is a fact of physics. Overtone
structures are what define the sound of instruments.
You didn't know that? You think that is "my opinion"?
Wow.I am always astonished by people who are astonished by the revelations
contained in my posts.
Wow, indeed.
Wow, indeed. Why somebody would insist on dropping his pants
continuously in a public message forum and reveal his massive musical
incompetence instead of just taking part in the relaxed exchanges of
information is more a revelation a psychiatrist would be interested in
though. You don't contribute anything to the musical value of this ng.
Post by tomdeaconPost by Michael SchafferPost by tomdeaconFrankly, I am quite happy to do without the "buzzing" of doublebasses.
In my experience they stand there and saw away providing little other
than a comfortable cushion for the rest of the orchestra. In the lower
register of strings, only the cellos can claim to have an interesting
role in the fabric of the music. The basses: well, they're the webbing
in the sofa.
You probably can't hear the basses well anyway. I am not surprised.
Or, let me rephrase that. Not probably. You said it yourself. You can't
hear the basses clearly, that is why you can't hear what they actually
contribute to the orchestral sound - usually much more than just
"sawing" away.Positing ideas for which you have absolutely NO proof, of course, is
your stock-in-trade.
Post by Michael SchafferBut I have heard that kind of statement often from people who don't
have well developed hearing and aren't able to grasp complex musical
structures.HA HA HA HA HA HA HA
Why is it that all doublebass players are pompous twits, I wonder?
How would you know? You never were part of a professional music
environment. You won't know too many musicians. If you did, you would
know that they are the same variety of people as in "real life". That
includes bass players. All sorts of different people. To the outsider,
especially one as infantile and retarded as you are, they may appear
like what you imagine and associate them to be. But the reality is very
different. But again, you would not know that.
Post by tomdeaconPost by Michael SchafferObviously, that disqualifies you from making any statements of
informative value about basically any kind of music.Is that an invitation for me NOT to comment on the idiocies which flow
from your pen?
If it is, I decline the invitation.
Post by Michael SchafferEspecially the music of the Western hemisphere which is heavily based on the bass
voices as it is constructed around the harmonic progression of chords,
and the bass note is particularly important for the definition of the
chord.Fortunately for many of us, the double bass is an instrument which most
of us can nicely avoid contact with in our daily lives.
That has nothing to do with double basses as such. It is a basic
principle of music. There are many instruments which can take that
function, among others. Lots of different instruments. All with
different sounds made by different overtone structures. But we already
know that is beyond you.
You don't have any contact in your daily life with actual music making,
so I can believe you it will be easy for you to avoid coming into
contact with any kind of music maker.
You don't even have to try - your nurses will probably ssee to it you
don't get too close to sane people on the outside.
Post by tomdeaconPost by Michael SchafferThat also applies to piano music since the piano reaches down even
further than the double bass.Indeed. And does so without unnecessary "buzzing", at least on my
Bosendorfer, which, I should add, has four extra notes in the bass,
making it possible to realize what Debussy really intended in The
Sunken Cathedral. Very nice that. But no buzzing, of course.
Of course it buzzes. Pianos have a very complex overtone structure.
Especially some brands like Bösendorfer which have a rather rich
sound. They buzz and ring, and that's what makes the sound quality. But
you can't probably hear all those differences anyway. Somebody with as
little musical knowledge as you constantly betray certainly won't have
the ability to play Debussy either, probably not even the easier
pieces. Certainly not that one.
Although I could actually picture you sitting at the piano and randomly
baging keys but believing you are a great pianist.
Post by tomdeaconI know you fancy yourself a piano music
Post by Michael Schafferexpert but now we know you can't hear the lower register of the piano
in focus, so you best refrain from dramatic statements about that genre
in future, too.I don't "fancy myself" as anything but a music-lover.
And I wouldn't fancy myself as a double bass player, if I were you. It
causes many to laugh out loud.
Only those who don't know anything about music and music making - like
you. People who do respect any instrumentalist or vocalist who can sing
or play well on any instrument - be it the human voice, the trombone,
the flute, the bass, the clarinet, be it percussion, violin, harp,
whatever. All these are just instruments, all of them can serve great
music making, and all of them have been employed for that purpose by
the great composers, so all of them are absolutely indispensable.
Post by tomdeaconPost by Michael SchafferPost by tomdeaconPost by Michael SchafferWhy do you misquote other people, just in order to be able to
drivel into the thread?Misquote?
Examples, please.
See above. You cut my comments about higher strings in order to be able
to say I only am interested in the sound of lower strings. That is
It is called "editing", something many here should do in order to
reduce the length of posts.
Editing is OK, but when you cut something and then act like it hasn't
been said, it's just falsification.
Which is probably the one thing you are any good at - until you were
found out to be nothing more than hot air and kicked out.
I am sure you have a lot of explanations for your failures, for the
fact that you are now a lonely old man drivelling nonsense from his
keyboard at night on the net. They probably all have to do with all the
other evil people, none of them with your own obvious shortcomings.
Post by tomdeaconI did not, of course, "misquote" you, as you allege. I simply selected
what I wanted to respond to.
P.S. Notice that I have again "edited" your post. Some of it was more
garbage which didn't deserve any answer, let alone repeating.
Hey - nobody is making fun of you because you are just an old
incontinent man - in more than just one way! People do give you a
little attention because we know you need it so much, why not give a
little of it, just out of pity?
But please stop smearing your excrements on the wall or urinating in
the corridors. That is not nice. And please stop urinating here. Thanks
and good night.