Post by Owen HartnettPost by DeepBlueMūza Rubackytė, Vladislav Chernushenko 1993
Saint Petersburg State Academic Capella
Move over old fart Michelangeli! ;-)
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah,
and a Happy New Year everyone!!
It is a wonderful performance. Unfortunately,
the orchestra blatted the first note, sounds
like it's in the next room, and the timpanist
couldn't be discouraged one whit. But then
again, you do have a penchant for recordings
that favor the pianist vs. orchestra. Here,
the orchestra is definitely in the back seat.
Rubackyte does have a great feel for the music,
maybe a tiny bit too forceful in the second
movement, otherwise a great performance by her.
Dude, methinks you are nitpicking too much.
in less than ideal conditions. Who knows
the soundracks were mixed and balanced.
Give them some slack.