Post by ZionaziI’d guess that Dan wouldn’t agree with the
ICC about issuing an arrest warrant against
Of course not.
Post by ZionaziNetanyahu was hated by the world - also the western
world - long before 10/7, and people perceived him
as some fascist lunatic dictator - which has no
basis in reality - responsible for many or all
the miseries of the fakestinians - which again
has no basis in reality.
Dan perceived - although I assume for different
reasons - Netanyahu pretty much in the same way -
as some lunatic fascist dictator (watch out people,
I believe Dan is projecting (without being aware
of it) his own bad traits on Netanyahu; similar
btw how Nazis projected their own bad traits onto
the Jews (accusing the Jews of ruling the world, while
they wanted to rule the world themselves for example).
You are lying through your teeth! This is defamation
of the worst possible kind, and I will sue you in a
German court unless you retract your statements
immediately and apologize publicly.
I must clarify things for the record.
First off, I never "equated" Natanyahu with Putin.
I stated that he was "cut from the same cloth" as
Putin and Merkel. The two phrases do not have the
same meaning in English, which you either do not
understand, or are deliberately distorting to
find a pretext to attack me personally.
Second, you clearly do not understand, or are
deliberately ignoring the reasons why Netanyahu
is so much disliked in Israel by the majority of
Israeli citizens. It has nothing to do with left
or right or foreign politics. It has everything
to do with the fact he is a crooked politician.
He has been under investigation for years for
a variety of questionable, most likely illegal
business deals in which he used his authority
as PM to secure lucrative deals for friends
and family. I do not want such a person to
be PM of my country, regardless of what else
he might or might not do for foreign policies
or defense.
Post by ZionaziSecond, the reasons why Dan wanted/wants to
see him imprisoned,
I do not want to see him imprisoned. I want to
see him be held accountable for whatever he is
being accused of, and have his day in court. If
he is found innocent he can walk away free. If
he is found guilty, he should go to jail like
other former PMs or presidents, in Israel or
anywhere else.
Post by Zionazithinking Netanyahu being similar or same to
Putin („cut from the same cloth“).
You are again misquoting and misinterpreting.
This is the umpteenth time you're doing this
in spite of having been corrected many times.
Netanyahu is cut from the same cloth as Putin
in the sense of using his authority as PM to
enrich himself and his friends. Again, I do
not want such a person to be PM of my country,
regardless of what else he does or believes or
Post by ZionaziNow if people actually view Netanyahu as Putin
(which in some way many in the west do) it isn’t
far fetched that people will hate Israel or view
him as a war criminal and will want to try him for
Dude, the foreigners' views of Netanyahu and of
Israel are no reason for Israeli citizens to
refrain from judging him by our own standards.
Post by ZionaziNow if before 10/7 there wouldn’t have been any
demonization of Netanyahu, or Israel in general,
I’d assume the general public mind would likely
not view him in such a bad light that makes people
believe that he arrest warrant is justified — in
this is where Dan played into the hands of the
Dude, are you suggesting Israeli citizens should
refrain from making public their views of Netanyahu
in order to avoid "playing in the hands of antisemites"?
Do you realize how presumptuous, condescending,
disrespectful, and insulting you are acting. It
is you who are the ultimate antisemite by trying
to dictate to Israelis and to Jewish people whom
to like or whom to dislike, whom to worship or
whom to abhore.
Post by ZionaziInterestingly Piers Morgan - the guy Dan resents
so much - argues similarly to Dan when it comes
to Netanyahu: that he should be tried,
Of course, he deserves his day in court. What else?
This is what any reasonable person would say, no
matter what else they might think about Netanyahu.
Post by Zionazithat he is corrupt, blablabla only for Murray to
defend Netanyahu from this bullshit, just as I
tried defend Netanyahu from Dan‘s bullshit…
It is none of your fucking business to "defend"
Netanyahu from anyone or anything.
Post by Zionazi
If he did something illegal, let the courts try
him… don’t demonize him,
Isn't this precisely what I have been saying all
along? And note that calling someone a "crook" is
not equivalent to demonizing them.
Post by Zionazigenerally 99% of the politicians are corrupt…
You are wrong. 1111% of politicans are corrupt.
You are trying to save a small corner to shelter
your favorites.
Post by Zionazibut Netanyahu still makes good politics and he
is no danger for democracy… the people always
crying about it a danger for democracy are the
real danger for democracy
You have neither the knowledge nor the stakes in
the game to evaluate Netanyahu as a politician.
If you truly believe he is no danger for democracy,
how does one explain he tried to pass a law that
would allow the Knesset (aka parliament for those
who don't know Hebrew) to overrule and overturn
judicial verdicts with a simple majority vote.
Wouldn't that put politicians above the law.
Please explain clearly and logically. Otherwise
keep you shit in your mouth.
In summary, I will see you in a German court
unless you retract the scurilous accusations
you made against me, and apologize publicly.