UK: Man who burnt Quran is remanded. Man who attacked him with a knife is allowed to go home.
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2025-02-17 10:40:09 UTC
David Collier:

„ Man burns Quran outside Turkish consulate in London
Man attacks him with a knife

Both arrested. Both charged.

Man who burnt Quran is remanded.
Man who attacked him with a knife is allowed to go home.

Make it make sense.“


„ Hamit Coskun, 50, from Derby, had been charged with a religiously
aggravated public order offence after he was filmed apparently burning
the book in Rutland Gardens on Thursday, the Metropolitan Police said.

He was remanded in custody and will appear before Westminster
Magistrates’ Court on Saturday.

Moussa Kadri, 59, from Kensington and Chelsea, has been charged with
causing actual bodily harm and possession of an offensive weapon.

He was bailed and will appear at the same court on Monday.“

2025-02-17 22:58:42 UTC
Post by Zionazi
„ Man burns Quran outside Turkish consulate in London
Man attacks him with a knife
Both arrested. Both charged.
Man who burnt Quran is remanded.
Man who attacked him with a knife is allowed to go home.
Make it make sense.“
„ Hamit Coskun, 50, from Derby, had been charged with a religiously
aggravated public order offence after he was filmed apparently burning
the book in Rutland Gardens on Thursday, the Metropolitan Police said.
He was remanded in custody and will appear before Westminster
Magistrates’ Court on Saturday.
Moussa Kadri, 59, from Kensington and Chelsea, has been charged with
causing actual bodily harm and possession of an offensive weapon.
He was bailed and will appear at the same court on Monday.“
Dude, what else did you expect ?!?

We've known for at least 3 centuries
the Brits are brainless !!!

Stop kvetching and listen to Albeniz! ;-)

2025-02-18 08:27:22 UTC
Post by DeepBlue
Post by Zionazi
„ Man burns Quran outside Turkish consulate in London
Man attacks him with a knife
Both arrested. Both charged.
Man who burnt Quran is remanded.
Man who attacked him with a knife is allowed to go home.
Make it make sense.“
„ Hamit Coskun, 50, from Derby, had been charged with a religiously
aggravated public order offence after he was filmed apparently burning
the book in Rutland Gardens on Thursday, the Metropolitan Police said.
He was remanded in custody and will appear before Westminster
Magistrates’ Court on Saturday.
Moussa Kadri, 59, from Kensington and Chelsea, has been charged with
causing actual bodily harm and possession of an offensive weapon.
He was bailed and will appear at the same court on Monday.“
Dude, what else did you expect ?!?
common sense?
Post by DeepBlue
We've known for at least 3 centuries
the Brits are brainless !!!
Says who? The guy who wants Jews - or at least doesn’t see an issue with
it - to mutilate the dicks of their sons for the next 6 millenia? Don’t
Jews deserve better?
Post by DeepBlue
Stop kvetching and listen to Albeniz! ;-)
Imma be kvetching until the world is antisemiten-rein as well as

FWIW: Rachmaninov is by far a better composer than Albeniz… Ashkenazy
really sucks in Rach 2 - as unimaginative as he is as a pianist. Gergiev
might be even worse — Gullberg is okay, probably like Ashkenazy. But
best - by far - is Rozhdestvensky (despite the cuts) - he really seems
to get it (sure the sound of the brass etc is not as beautiful as with
Gullberg, but it somehow serves the piece), just really beautiful

On another note… I think I’m leaning more towards Beethoven, Schubert
and Brahms now than Mozart - seems like the spell I was under (well I’ve
listened to so much Mozart - which probably affects this as well, though
im not sure it’s because of that) is somewhat broken
Post by DeepBlue
2025-02-18 08:46:52 UTC
Umm… gimme some more time to figure that out… just listened a Bit into
his cosi again… and well… im still under his spell

Anyhow, Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert and Brahms for me…
2025-02-19 15:00:49 UTC

Look, to me Jews are just like other human beings and if you guys had a
Spark of Empathy, you‘d be able to recognize that it is normal for other
human beings - at least if they had empathy and weren‘t indoctrinated
either by Judaism or christianity (which Ofc since coming from Judaism
is biased as well) or Islam - (Like myself) To be hurt seeing infants
subjected to this cruel practice. Lots of doctors - since they have
specific cultural backgrounds -, will be biased here as well. Now it is
Not for jews to whine here, since they are subjecting themselves to this
willingly and Act butthurt if called out. You are literally cutting Off
parts of the Penis, and not just hairs you know? And probably think im
cruel for being honest and pointing out your barbarism — the audacity of
you guys lol. This has been going on for way too long. You guys likely
got it from the egyptians.

I do think that Judaism offers very Great insight into man different
things and it is important to Keep Judaism alive - just not this way. Im
also Not saying one should give up believing in god. One can view the
Torah as somewhat spiritually (in a good sense) influenced, maybe even
divinely influenced (in a loose sense; would have to think about this
more, but yes i think so… there is something transcendental about
Judaism), but for the sake of the Children being Born - and maybe also
as an Act of trying to do better for all the Children’s lives who have
been lost this way, or were altered (say by a botched circumcision or
psychological issues from being circumcised without there being a
Medical reason to) in a Bad way - , You have to find another way. This
is madness.

Maybe Theres also something very Jewish about going against hashem here
2025-02-19 15:58:34 UTC
Considering the Harm that is being Done I can’t Take any of you
seriously at all. There was Never a Single Person here I could Take

Judaism should Not be Seen as an end in itself.
2025-02-19 16:04:06 UTC
Well okay; I could Take Dan seriously when it came to recommendations.
And Frank largely when it came to Israeli politics.

But that’s about it.
2025-02-19 17:15:43 UTC
Post by Zionazi
There was Never a Single Person
here I could Take seriously.
Who cares?

