jewish emancipation also means emancipation from ancient rituals
(too old to reply)
2024-12-09 18:39:18 UTC
Just sayin

I have for many reasons Great Respect for Judaism, but obviously it‘s
time for some things not to be practiced anymore — some things Should
have Never been practiced.

modern jewry emancipated from ancient rituals
Pluted Pup
2024-12-09 21:53:35 UTC
Post by Zionazi
Just sayin
I have for many reasons Great Respect for Judaism, but obviously it`s
time for some things not to be practiced anymore - some things Should
have Never been practiced.
modern jewry emancipated from ancient rituals
Jewish emancipation was one of Napoleon's worst crimes,
supporting Jews attacking non-Jews.
2024-12-09 22:34:33 UTC
Post by Pluted Pup
Post by Zionazi
Just sayin
I have for many reasons Great Respect for Judaism, but obviously it`s
time for some things not to be practiced anymore - some things Should
have Never been practiced.
modern jewry emancipated from ancient rituals
Jewish emancipation was one of Napoleon's worst crimes,
supporting Jews attacking non-Jews.
Mhm - now look at you worshipping a Jew as if he were god…
Frank Berger
2024-12-10 07:52:37 UTC
Post by Zionazi
Just sayin
I have for many reasons Great Respect for Judaism, but obviously it‘s
time for some things not to be practiced anymore — some things  Should
have Never been practiced.
modern jewry emancipated from ancient rituals
The only one I KNOW you are referring to is circumcision. Are there others?
2024-12-10 08:46:43 UTC
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
Just sayin
I have for many reasons Great Respect for Judaism, but obviously it‘s
time for some things not to be practiced anymore — some things  Should
have Never been practiced.
modern jewry emancipated from ancient rituals
The only one I KNOW you are referring to is circumcision. Are there others?
For the time being that‘s the one I‘m Most concerned about.

You already talked to me about this once before; You still had me
killfiled so I didn‘t bother to answer…

„Imagine how Jews feel about it. Have you ever attended a Bris (ritual
circumcision)? There is dual "vibe." Pride and Joy at entering a child
into the fold and tension/pity over the pain that the infant is going to
go through. The fact is, though, that the baby usually starts crying as
soon as he is on his back and exposed. When the snip occurs, you often
can't even hear in increase in intensity of the crying. Not that it
doesn't hurt. I've the opposite, where the baby is perfectly happy until
the snip. The baby is given a wine-soaked cloth to suck on which
districts him and presumably anesthetic. I've never seen a baby cry at a
bris for money than a minute or so. It doesn't seem as though it bothers
them any more than a wet or dirty diaper. I don't know if there's
research on this. I've seen people say why do we do this brutal thing to
our boys, answer it's because my father did it do me and I'm going to
get even by doing it to my son. Really. Why do we really do it? Because
the Torah says so. I don't know liberal (Reform, Reconstructionist) have
different attitudes toward circumcision and if a significant number of
them don't practice it. The Orthodox would never imagine not
circumcising their boys. When the Soviet Union finally started Jews
emigrate, very few were observant, yet thousands (I can't prove this) of
grown Jewish men who had not been circumcised (it was illegal in the SU)
had themselves circumcised when they had the freedom to do so. When I
lived in Dallas I was close with quite a few Russian Jews and know this
to be a fact. I certainly would expect and understand an atheist to
think the practice is cruel and barbaric. Tough.“


There is quite a Bit wrong with what You’re saying here, how You’re
addressing this Topic…. Give Me a few minutes to answer
2024-12-10 09:32:55 UTC
First of all I‘d like to Point out that I haven‘t Seen anything
particularly Worrying in Most of orthodox or reform Judaism except for
„circumcision“ (which is a euphemism for male genital mutilation — Note
that I consider female genital mutilation (as practiced by many Muslims
— even secretly in the West ;) ) quite a Bit more disturbing. I also
don‘t consider circumcised penises as disgusting.).

Sure I don’t think it‘s particularly good how Women are treated in some
orthodox circles, but they arent hated and treated as subhumans - and
the Women themselves seem to feel good about their lives. But ofc… some
more emancipation here would be welcomed by me (think about Einat Wilf —
an emancipated Jewress, free from things Holding her back from
developing her Potential).

In some ways I also feel that Hitler pushed Jews back into becoming more
orthodox (a way of coping and also from a jewish Perspective the Shoah
probably made Jews believe even more in the Torah. You See some Insane
orthodox Jews argue that this was god‘s will… because Jews have strayed
Away from the Torah; just as Maimonides argued that God was punishing
Jews by hurling them into the midst of the arabs: „ Remember, my
co-religionists, that on account of the vast number of our sins, God has
hurled us in the midst of this people, the Arabs, who have persecuted us
severely, and passed baneful and discriminatory legislation against us,
as Scripture has forewarned us, "Our enemies themselves shall judge us"
(Deuteronomy 32:31). Never did a nation molest, degrade, debase and hate
us as much as they.“.


So You have Maimonides blaming Jews - lol - for how they were treated by
the arabs… so because Jews werent following the Torah god punished them
lol? Do they believe this was justified? Time to confront god (Like
Abraham did wrt Sodom and Gomorrha)… confronting god is jewish yo…

moishe Postone said the following:

„ They not only succeeded in murdering six million Jewish children,
women, and men. They succeeded in destroying a culture—a very old
culture—that of European Jewry. It was a culture characterized by a
tradition incorporating a complicated tension of particularity and
universality. This internal tension was duplicated as an external one,
characterizing the relation of the Jews with their Christian
surroundings. The Jews were never fully a part of the larger societies
in which they lived nor were they ever fully apart from those societies.
The results were frequently disastrous for the Jews. Sometimes they were
very fruitful. That field of tension became sedimented in most
individual Jews following the emancipation. The ultimate resolution of
this tension between the particular and the universal is, in the Jewish
tradition, a function of time, of history—the coming of the Messiah.
Perhaps, however, in the face of secularization and assimilation,
European Jewry would have given up that tension. Perhaps that culture
would have gradually disappeared as a living tradition, before the
resolution of the particular and the universal had been realized. This
question will never be answered.“


If the Germans hadnt gone nuts, the Jews might have emancipated
themselves from Religion with time… with Hitler they got pushed back
into it in some ways…
2024-12-10 09:37:12 UTC
*instead of blaming the Muslims for how they treated Jews, Maimonides is
like: Yeah we Jews deserved this, because we didnt follow the Torah
2024-12-10 10:29:22 UTC
„Imagine how Jews feel about it. Have you ever attended a Bris (ritual

Precisely because I can empathize with Jews here I am addressing this…
it‘s not that I hate them, I am criticising this out of love for humans
in general and out of love for Jews in particular. Humans have a right
for bodily Integrity, it Respects their dignity.

It is of no matter if I have ever Attended a bris. How would that make a

„There is dual "vibe." Pride and Joy at entering a child into the fold
and tension/pity over the pain that the infant is going to go through.“

There Are a few more things to consider here than just the pain of the
infant. It affects the relationship of the infant to its caregivers.


„The results of the threat of castration are multifarious and
incalculable; they affect the whole ofa boy's relations with his father
and mother and subsequently with men and women in general.“


„The primaeval custom of circumcision, another substitute for
castration, can only beunderstood as an expression of submission to
the father's will…“

Furthermore you seem to ignore the fact that no matter how safe it is
regarded generally, Botched circumcisions do Happen — humans are Not
infallible. Statistics…

Since you asked me if I ever attended a bris, let Me ask you: did you
ever speak and empathize with a Jew or non-Jew who suffered botched
surgery? Who now has Problems functioning sexually, or cant have Sex at
all? Has pain when having Sex? I Assume Not, it seems Like You gambled a
Bit when it came to mutilate the genitalia of your children…

So rabbis are sacrificing the well-being of Jews just to keep their
wet-Dream of the coming of the Messiah alive… instead of burying this
thought once and for all After the shoah…

„The fact is, though, that the baby usually starts crying as soon as he
is on his back and exposed. When the snip occurs, you often can't even
hear in increase in intensity of the crying. Not that it doesn't hurt.
I've the opposite, where the baby is perfectly happy until the snip. The
baby is given a wine-soaked cloth to suck on which districts him and
presumably anesthetic. I've never seen a baby cry at a bris for money
than a minute or so. It doesn't seem as though it bothers them any more
than a wet or dirty diaper.“

If I groomed a minor and made them give me a blowjob— and she didnt cry,
would that excuse what I did?

„I don't know if there's research on this.“

There is, but you don’t even need to Read into it, as if you would think
critically, instead of downplaying the bris, you‘d realize yourself how
Barbaric This practice is.

There Are also different ways in which Jews practice this (some orthodox
Jews suck on the penis a Little; metzizah — Not sure why tbh)

„In some ultra-Orthodox communities, particularly in Israel and the USA,
the mohel finishes the circumcision by sucking the blood from the wound
directly on the child's penis with his mouth (Metzitzah B'peh). This
practice is highly controversial because it can lead to the child
becoming infected with herpes simplex type 1, with the risk of brain
damage and death.“


„According to a study published in 2012 by the US Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC)[15], around 3,600 newborn boys per year
within the community of ultra-Orthodox Jews in New York City (which has
around 250,000 members) underwent this variant of the procedure.[16]
From November 2000 to December 2011, eleven cases were reported in which
the circumcised infants were infected with herpes; ten had to be treated
in hospital. Two of them suffered permanent brain damage, two of them
died. The number of unreported cases is unknown. The appeal by then New
York Mayor Michael Bloomberg in 2005 to distance themselves from this
practice was rejected with the claim that oral-genital circumcision was
safe.[17] Rabbi David Zwiebel claimed in June 2012 that regulation would
push the ceremony underground and thus make it riskier.[16] In September
2012, the New York City Board of Health passed a rule that a mohel may
only perform a metzitzah b'peh if the boy's parents have given prior
written consent.[18]“
2024-12-10 11:22:40 UTC
Post by Zionazi
Since you asked me if I ever attended a bris, let Me ask you: did you
ever speak and empathize with a Jew or non-Jew who suffered botched
surgery? Who now has Problems functioning sexually, or cant have Sex at
all? Has pain when having Sex? I Assume Not, it seems Like You gambled a
Bit when it came to mutilate the genitalia of your children…
*when it came to the mutilation of the genitalia of your sons…

Seems like they were lucky, otherwise you might have some issues with
this sick practice. You’ve obviously not thought things through well
enough… time to admit this, change and ask your children to do the same…
2024-12-10 11:51:44 UTC
Abraham vs god

Genesis 18:23-25

“Will you indeed sweep away the righteous with the wicked? Suppose there
are fifty righteous within the city. Will you then sweep away the place
and not spare it for the fifty righteous who are in it? Far be it from
you to do such a thing, to put the righteous to death with the wicked,
so that the righteous fare as the wicked! Far be that from you! Shall
not the Judge of all the earth do what is just?”
2024-12-10 11:55:57 UTC
Modern Israel in Gaza tries to Save the innocent in Gaza… while god who
could‘ve saved the innocents in sodom and gomorrah easily, didnt do it…
This aint just

Sure it‘s also not just innocent people are dying in Gaza, but Israel
doesnt have the Powers of god — theyre trying their best
2024-12-10 12:17:47 UTC
A botched circumcision and its aftermath:

"On August 24, 2020, as I attempted the first pee of the morning, I felt
a tightness on the underside of my penis. A tiny hair had formed a
tourniquet around a skin bridge on the genital. I was not in immediate
pain, but I knew that something irrevocable had happened, as if time
itself had caught up to me with an abacus in hand, demanding a full

My penis was shaped by the Cold War and God’s covenant with Abraham. My
father, born in a small village outside Leningrad in 1938, had been
circumcised. By the time of my birth, in 1972, Jewish children were
generally not circumcised in the Soviet Union, part of a long-standing
campaign against religion. Seven years later, soon after our arrival in
the United States, my father fell under the influence of some
“Chabadniks,” Hasidic followers of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, who were going
door to door telling Soviet Jews in Brooklyn and Queens that they had to
circumcise their boys. The surgery was performed under general
anesthesia at Coney Island Hospital, the Chabadniks singing and praying
joyfully in an adjoining room, and resulted in an immediate infection as
well as painful urination that lasted until I was nine.

Most poorly performed circumcisions stem from two misjudgments on the
part of the circumciser: either too much or too little foreskin is
removed. In my case, it was too little (and, one might add, given that I
was seven years old instead of the eight days prescribed by the Torah,
too late). After the infection had subsided, the shaft of my penis was
crowded by a skyline of redundant foreskin that included, on the
underside, a thick attachment of skin stretching from the head to the
shaft of the genital, a result of improper healing that is called a skin


The man who lives near me, a forty-eight-year-old musician, is the son
of Italian farmers who moved to the U.S. They did not speak English, yet
were somehow persuaded by American doctors to have their son
circumcised, a procedure rarely done in Italy. He remembered, as I did,
a period of difficult urination. “I was screaming,” he said, “but the
masculine Italian response was just to laugh about it.” A second surgery
was performed to correct the first when he was around six years old. He
told me that the psychological effects of both surgeries have been
lasting: “It’s affected my sexual performance and my experiences around
partnering and creating bonds with people.”

We will never know the full extent of such stories, because men are not
supposed to talk about these things. We must either laugh it off or be
stoic about what happened “down there,” like the Egyptian nobles of 2400

2024-12-10 13:06:00 UTC
Actually - After having reread the Story about Sodom and Gomorrah - god
seems to have spared the „righteous“… completely forgot about the
„righteous“ Lot offering his daughters to the mob, to spare the Angels —
holy fuck… I mean I wouldve had Lot burned down with gomorrah… Poor

Seems That I have in some way misrepresented This Story — but still: God
was obviously not just here.

The Lesson here is imo: if You See Something that you consider unjust —
even if it comes from god directly — be brave enough to confront it.

Now what do you Tell a Jew who suffered from a botched surgery? Tell him
to deal with it? Suck it up? That it doesnt matter and theyll Continue
fucking up people’s lives? Tell him Stories about how your son didnt
even bat an eye when his dick was mutilated? Are rabbis devoid of
humanity here? Time to hold them and also you Frank accountable for
facilitating and practicising this disgusting procedure…
2024-12-10 13:14:31 UTC
Sometimes — though this was not from a Rabbi - I was even called an
antisemite for addressing this issue… a fucking joke really
2024-12-10 13:11:24 UTC
I’ve actually talked to Rabbis about this— and I kid you not, none of
them really cared… what they cared about was downplaying the issue - no
matter how nice and humane they were in other regards… savages
Frank Berger
2024-12-12 07:58:05 UTC
Post by Zionazi
First of all I‘d like to Point out that I haven‘t Seen anything
particularly Worrying in Most of orthodox or reform Judaism except for
„circumcision“ (which is a euphemism for male genital mutilation — Note
that I consider female genital mutilation (as practiced by many Muslims
— even secretly in the West ;) ) quite a Bit more disturbing.
As one might, since it is a much more serious procedure (in more ways
than one). Things are often not black and white. This is wrong and that
is not wrong, but there is a continuum between the extremes and each
person (or together, as a society) has to decide where the line is.

I also
Post by Zionazi
don‘t consider circumcised penises as disgusting.).
I have dark hair (well, gray now). I don't consider blondes to be
disgusting, so we are even.
Post by Zionazi
Sure I don’t think it‘s particularly good how Women are treated in some
orthodox circles, but they arent hated and treated as subhumans - and
the Women themselves seem to feel good about their lives. But ofc… some
more emancipation here would be welcomed by me (think about Einat Wilf —
an emancipated Jewress, free from things Holding her back from
developing her Potential).
If you want to be upset about something, why not consider sex
trafficking, drug cartels, genocide, etc. and leave the Jews alone?
Post by Zionazi
In some ways I also feel that Hitler pushed Jews back into becoming more
orthodox (a way of coping and also from a jewish Perspective the Shoah
probably made Jews believe even more in the Torah.
I have read more than once (I can't provide a reference offhand) that,
contrary to what many believe, observant Jews who survived the Shoah,
mostly remained observant ("Its a miracle that I survived") and secular
Jews who survived tended to remain secular ("The can't be a God who
would let this happen."

You See some Insane
Post by Zionazi
orthodox Jews argue that this was god‘s will…
On the Orthodox assumption that God is omnipotent and omniscient,
anything that happens is effectively "God's will." It can hardly be
otherwise. Regarding God's third attribute, benevolence, a tragedy must
be "good," but we can hardly always, or even often, know why it was
"good, " or why is was part of God's plan. Of course, if you tell
people who haven't thought of these things that the Shoah was good, they
will rightly be unimaginably offended and think you are a moron, or
worse. Regarding rabbis who seem to routinely explain the reason for
eveything that happens, I think that they are outside the mainstream on
this. Does this mean a good Jew doesn't grieve if they spouse or child
dies? You tell me.

because Jews have strayed
Post by Zionazi
Away from the Torah; just as Maimonides argued that God was punishing
Jews by hurling them into the midst of the arabs: „ Remember, my
co-religionists, that on account of the vast number of our sins, God has
hurled us in the midst of this people, the Arabs, who have persecuted us
severely, and passed baneful and discriminatory legislation against us,
as Scripture has forewarned us, "Our enemies themselves shall judge us"
(Deuteronomy 32:31). Never did a nation molest, degrade, debase and hate
us as much as they.“.
So You have Maimonides blaming Jews - lol - for how they were treated by
the arabs… so because Jews werent following the Torah god punished them
lol? Do they believe this was justified? Time to confront god (Like
Abraham did wrt Sodom and Gomorrha)… confronting god is jewish yo…
„ They not only succeeded in murdering six million Jewish children,
women, and men. They succeeded in destroying a culture—a very old
culture—that of European Jewry. It was a culture characterized by a
tradition incorporating a complicated tension of particularity and
universality. This internal tension was duplicated as an external one,
characterizing the relation of the Jews with their Christian
surroundings. The Jews were never fully a part of the larger societies
in which they lived nor were they ever fully apart from those societies.
The results were frequently disastrous for the Jews. Sometimes they were
very fruitful. That field of tension became sedimented in most
individual Jews following the emancipation. The ultimate resolution of
this tension between the particular and the universal is, in the Jewish
tradition, a function of time, of history—the coming of the Messiah.
Perhaps, however, in the face of secularization and assimilation,
European Jewry would have given up that tension. Perhaps that culture
would have gradually disappeared as a living tradition, before the
resolution of the particular and the universal had been realized. This
question will never be answered.“
More likely, absent antisemitism, liberal Judaism would have
disappeared, but Orthdoxy would persist, though perhaps in smaller
numbers. It is said that only 1/5 of the Egyptian Hebews actually left
Egypt - that the other 4/5 were hopelessly irredeemable. In "Why be
Jewish," by Meir Kahane, he describes and incident where to celebrate
the 100th anniversary of the Reform Temple Israel, they were going to
invite descendants of the founding families, but found none who
identified as Jewish. He considered liberal Judaism to be a way station
out of Judaism.
Post by Zionazi
If the Germans hadnt gone nuts, the Jews might have emancipated
themselves from Religion with time… with Hitler they got pushed back
into it in some ways…
Not clear at all, but it is said that the Jews didn't make the
Sabbath. Rather the Sabbath made the Jews.
2024-12-12 13:24:22 UTC
Jewish Emancipation Ofc also means that they should be able to pray at
the Temple Mount without any issues…

But it also means letting go of barbaric practices such as circumcision.
2024-12-12 13:48:20 UTC
I am Not only disgusted by this barbaric Procedure, but also by people
Like you Frank who ignore all the pain this nonsensical barbaric
procedure is responsible for.

Fuck you for implying that I have some Obsession over Jews („leave the
Jews alone“) instead of Open Your eyes to Reality.

Fuck you wholeheartedly. Now go watch your YouTube Videos of some Young
Women in Tight cloth doing gymnastics - You old pervert. How about
thinking about your wife, and that hashem Sees what You’re doing ;)
2024-12-12 14:05:44 UTC
Frank do you want me to treat orthodox Jews as too stupid to understand
that circumcision is harmful and provides unnecessary risks? Are Jews
too stupid to understand this? Or do you want me to treat Jews as I
would treat any other human being — as someone capable of understanding
and progressing..
2024-12-13 10:12:34 UTC
For further clarification:

- Marx did not argue against a personal belief in god, he criticised
organized religions — but he also understood that people needed Religion
in this world.

„Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of
real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the
sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the
soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.“

Marx wouldnt have Forced people to stop believing in Religions!

- as opposed to Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism and some other
religions, there is in fact nothing Redeemable about Islam. Islam is
inherently antisemitic, just as nazi-ideology is inherently antisemitic.
Sure there are Muslims - such as Muslims in the IDF - who Are no
antisemites, but they also arent Muslims ;) Just as a Nazi who liked
Jews and called himself a liberal Nazi, wouldnt be a nazi.

The quran in some ways is Similar to the protocols of the Elders of
Zion: blaming Jews for corruption for example. The quran argues that
Jews habe corrupted god‘s words… we can all see where This is going
Right? So Muhammad was basically sent to correct — to correct what the
Jews did wrong. This is the islamic Perspective.

- Marx was also Not a barbarian like Lenin. Marx distanced himself from

„Guesde was the inspiration for a famous quotation by Karl Marx. Shortly
before Marx died in 1883, he wrote a letter to Guesde and Paul Lafargue,
both of whom already claimed to represent "Marxist" principles. Marx
accused them of "revolutionary phrase-mongering".[2] This exchange is
the source of Marx's remark, reported by Friedrich Engels: "ce qu'il y a
de certain c'est que moi, je ne suis pas marxiste" ("what is certain is
that [if they are Marxists], [then] I myself am not a Marxist").“

- saying Jews imagined a god who hates them instead of imagining a god
who loves them — was ofc a Bit exaggerated. But there is also some truth
in it.

- Judaism - the 10 commandments - served in some ways as the foundation
of Western morality. It was progression at that time (but also myth) — I
value the progressive aspects of Judaism. Christianity in some ways
Improved Judaism; it was even more progressive. Islam otoh was
historically speaking pure Regression.

- many orthodox Jews Quote Marx‘ Jewish Question to make him seem like
an antisemite, while in fact he was defending the Jews and their right
to practice their Religion against Bauer. When Marx in this piece Talks
about how Jews were all about Money or sth, he Merely describes a
historical Reality at that time.

- it would be very beneficial for jews specifically, but actually for
humanity generally, to get a deeper understanding of Marx. It is
necessary for understanding antisemitism!

Frank - Long before 10/7 happened - I was calling out Herm, Raydolf, Mr
Andy Semite etc. As antisemites. While you were cozy and friendly with
them… and when Herm once Whined about being called an antisemite by me,
and attacking you for being In a group with me — you distanced yourself
from me. Again: all the while being friendly with them rabid dogs in
this ng. You Are in no Position to be speaking about Jewish Pride. A
proud Jew would Not Associate with These rabid dogs for years after all
they‘ve said.

If they Repent and Show insight into their antisemitic behaviour, they
Shall be forgiven and treated differently.

- religions are different from each other, just as political Ideologies
are different from each other. Some ideologies are in fact so inhumane,
anti-human to be exact, that you have to ban them: Nazi-Ideology for
example, but also Islam.
2024-12-13 10:30:28 UTC
Frank has the chutzpah to killfile me, but stay friendly with

Rabbis have the chutzpah to mutilate the dicks of babies.

This is all the wrong Kind of chutzpah…

I have the chutzpah to Talk Tacheles with you.
2024-12-14 12:53:02 UTC
Just because Dan and Frank are too weak to face Reality (in This case:
to realize that circumcision is male genital mutilation and therefore to
condemn this barbaric practice), does not mean that every Jew is as weak
as them ;)
2024-12-12 13:21:14 UTC
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
First of all I‘d like to Point out that I haven‘t Seen anything
particularly Worrying in Most of orthodox or reform Judaism except for
„circumcision“ (which is a euphemism for male genital mutilation — Note
that I consider female genital mutilation (as practiced by many Muslims
— even secretly in the West ;) ) quite a Bit more disturbing.
As one might, since it is a much more serious procedure (in more ways
than one). Things are often not black and white. This is wrong and that
is not wrong, but there is a continuum between the extremes and each
person (or together, as a society) has to decide where the line is.
I also
Certainly things often arent black and white… gambling with the physical
well-being of humans in this manner is just black though - it is
completely unneccesary (unless done for medical reasons) yet You’re
taking the Risk.
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
don‘t consider circumcised penises as disgusting.).
I have dark hair (well, gray now). I don't consider blondes to be
disgusting, so we are even.
No we are not. If you don’t consider uncircumcised penises as disgusting
— we might be in some way. I still consider the Procedure as barbaric
and disgusting btw — as Long as it is Not done for medical reasons.

Blonde or dark hair or gray hair is something Natural. Foreskin is sth
natural, cutting of the foreskin is Not Natural, it is barbaric.

Are You too brainwashed to understand this simple fact?
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
Sure I don’t think it‘s particularly good how Women are treated in some
orthodox circles, but they arent hated and treated as subhumans - and
the Women themselves seem to feel good about their lives. But ofc… some
more emancipation here would be welcomed by me (think about Einat Wilf —
an emancipated Jewress, free from things Holding her back from
developing her Potential).
If you want to be upset about something, why not consider sex
trafficking, drug cartels, genocide, etc. and leave the Jews alone?
There Are quite a few Jews who think like me — how about Frank, You
leave the dicks of Babies alone?

You don’t seem to realize that what I am saying makes Perfect sense —
instead you Act like an imbecile. How about thinking your Arguments

I Care about a Lot of stuff, and if you hadn’t killfiled me, you might
have Seen This. Furthermore You should realize, it‘s not just About Jews
- you idiot -, it‘s about the practice of circumcision in General.

You Are Behaving completely Moronic… You killfiled me for telling you
that you were an idiot in a discussion about antisemitism, yet still -
after all that has been said in this ng by specific people - you
communicated with antisemites in a friendly way — that is until 10/7
Happened and you seem to have realized that you were being an idiot
still being friendly to These „rabid dogs“ (Herm, Raydolf etc.).

You can thank me for Making This Place almost Antisemiten-rein, or at
least very uncomfortable for antisemites — You made This Place
comfortable for antisemites.
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
In some ways I also feel that Hitler pushed Jews back into becoming more
orthodox (a way of coping and also from a jewish Perspective the Shoah
probably made Jews believe even more in the Torah.
I have read more than once (I can't provide a reference offhand) that,
contrary to what many believe, observant Jews who survived the Shoah,
mostly remained observant ("Its a miracle that I survived") and secular
Jews who survived tended to remain secular ("The can't be a God who
would let this happen."
After the Shoah the Chabad-movement (which I view in a positive light in
many ways), basically went on an international „Hunt“ to Draw Jews back
into Religion — Sure it‘s good to keep the Culture alive, but no genital
mutilation please.
Post by Frank Berger
You See some Insane
Post by Zionazi
orthodox Jews argue that this was god‘s will…
On the Orthodox assumption that God is omnipotent and omniscient,
anything that happens is effectively "God's will." It can hardly be
otherwise. Regarding God's third attribute, benevolence, a tragedy must
be "good," but we can hardly always, or even often, know why it was
"good, " or why is was part of God's plan. Of course, if you tell
people who haven't thought of these things that the Shoah was good, they
will rightly be unimaginably offended and think you are a moron, or
worse. Regarding rabbis who seem to routinely explain the reason for
eveything that happens, I think that they are outside the mainstream on
this. Does this mean a good Jew doesn't grieve if they spouse or child
dies? You tell me.
I was just giving some examples where I think some emancipation would be

Instead of imagining a god that loves the Jews, they Imagined a god that
hates them — this is what it almost feels like to me….
Post by Frank Berger
because Jews have strayed
Post by Zionazi
Away from the Torah; just as Maimonides argued that God was punishing
Jews by hurling them into the midst of the arabs: „ Remember, my
co-religionists, that on account of the vast number of our sins, God has
hurled us in the midst of this people, the Arabs, who have persecuted us
severely, and passed baneful and discriminatory legislation against us,
as Scripture has forewarned us, "Our enemies themselves shall judge us"
(Deuteronomy 32:31). Never did a nation molest, degrade, debase and hate
us as much as they.“.
So You have Maimonides blaming Jews - lol - for how they were treated by
the arabs… so because Jews werent following the Torah god punished them
lol? Do they believe this was justified? Time to confront god (Like
Abraham did wrt Sodom and Gomorrha)… confronting god is jewish yo…
„ They not only succeeded in murdering six million Jewish children,
women, and men. They succeeded in destroying a culture—a very old
culture—that of European Jewry. It was a culture characterized by a
tradition incorporating a complicated tension of particularity and
universality. This internal tension was duplicated as an external one,
characterizing the relation of the Jews with their Christian
surroundings. The Jews were never fully a part of the larger societies
in which they lived nor were they ever fully apart from those societies.
The results were frequently disastrous for the Jews. Sometimes they were
very fruitful. That field of tension became sedimented in most
individual Jews following the emancipation. The ultimate resolution of
this tension between the particular and the universal is, in the Jewish
tradition, a function of time, of history—the coming of the Messiah.
Perhaps, however, in the face of secularization and assimilation,
European Jewry would have given up that tension. Perhaps that culture
would have gradually disappeared as a living tradition, before the
resolution of the particular and the universal had been realized. This
question will never be answered.“
More likely, absent antisemitism, liberal Judaism would have
disappeared, but Orthdoxy would persist, though perhaps in smaller
numbers. It is said that only 1/5 of the Egyptian Hebews actually left
Egypt - that the other 4/5 were hopelessly irredeemable. In "Why be
Jewish," by Meir Kahane, he describes and incident where to celebrate
the 100th anniversary of the Reform Temple Israel, they were going to
invite descendants of the founding families, but found none who
identified as Jewish. He considered liberal Judaism to be a way station
out of Judaism.
Kahane was right about many things, but he was also an idiot wrt many

Good thing is, Ben-Gvir who follows his and Kook‘s footsteps seems to
actually believe in a secular state contrary to Kahane.

You will need to leave your past behind in some way to Progress… Jews
abandonging circumcision would be progression.

Israel is Not just the State of the Jews, but their only Weapon against
annihilation. It was Not bourgeois enlightenment, Communist utopia nor
the messiah that saved you — but pure weaponry. This is a Realist and
Materialist POV.

Becoming more Realist, while still being spiritually influenced by
Judaism is the way to Go Forward — not Kahane or Ben-Gvir Style,
although i like Ben-Gvir‘s politics in General.

Instead of following Kahane‘s Never again, just go Full-Adorno:

„Hitler has imposed a new categorical imperative upon humanity in the
state of their unfreedom: to arrange their thinking and conduct, so that
Auschwitz never repeats itself, so that nothing similar ever happen
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
If the Germans hadnt gone nuts, the Jews might have emancipated
themselves from Religion with time… with Hitler they got pushed back
into it in some ways…
Not clear at all, but it is said that the Jews didn't make the
Sabbath. Rather the Sabbath made the Jews.
I was just imagining a history where the Enlightenment actually led to a
truly humane aka ‚communist‘ world…

It‘s not just Jews that need to be emancipated from their Religion (for
themselves), but also Christians, Buddhists etc — Most importantly

Marx thought that Religion offers people some solace in this wretched
world and that people would let Go Off it if capitalism had truly been
overcome — with Islam we can‘t wait…

In some ways Marx and what he Longs for is very jewish… just as Jews
Long for a true humane Society (olam haba), Marx also does… but he is
more realistic.
Frank Berger
2024-12-22 08:46:06 UTC
Post by Zionazi
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
First of all I‘d like to Point out that I haven‘t Seen anything
particularly Worrying in Most of orthodox or reform Judaism except for
„circumcision“ (which is a euphemism for male genital mutilation — Note
that I consider female genital mutilation (as practiced by many Muslims
— even secretly in the West ;) ) quite a Bit more disturbing.
As one might, since it is a much more serious procedure (in more ways
than one).  Things are often not black and white. This is wrong and that
is not wrong, but there is a continuum between the extremes and each
person (or together, as a society) has to decide where the line is.
I also
Certainly things often arent black and white… gambling with the physical
well-being of humans in this manner is just black though - it is
completely unneccesary (unless done for medical reasons) yet You’re
taking the Risk.
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
don‘t consider circumcised penises as disgusting.).
I have dark hair (well, gray now).  I don't consider blondes to be
disgusting, so we are even.
No we are not. If you don’t consider uncircumcised penises as disgusting
— we might be in some way.
Why on earth would I? The Torah doesn't require Gentiles to be
circumcised. Why would I be disgusted by something permitted by Jewish law?

I still consider the Procedure as barbaric
Post by Zionazi
and disgusting btw — as Long as it is Not done for medical reasons.
Blonde or dark hair or gray hair is something Natural. Foreskin is sth
natural, cutting of the foreskin is Not Natural, it is barbaric.
Are You too brainwashed to understand this simple fact?
Yeah, I'm brainwashed, because I don't agree with you.
Post by Zionazi
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
Sure I don’t think it‘s particularly good how Women are treated in some
orthodox circles, but they arent hated and treated as subhumans - and
the Women themselves seem to feel good about their lives. But ofc… some
more emancipation here would be welcomed by me (think about Einat Wilf —
an emancipated Jewress, free from things Holding her back from
developing her Potential).
Unfortunately for you, you don't get to define Jewish religious ritual.
Must be frustrating.
Post by Zionazi
Post by Frank Berger
If you want to be upset about something, why not consider sex
trafficking, drug cartels, genocide, etc. and leave the Jews alone?
There Are quite a few Jews who think like me — how about Frank, You
leave the dicks of Babies alone?
You don’t seem to realize that what I am saying makes Perfect sense —
instead you Act like an imbecile. How about thinking your Arguments
I Care about a Lot of stuff, and if you hadn’t killfiled me, you might
have Seen This. Furthermore You should realize, it‘s not just About Jews
- you idiot -, it‘s about the practice of circumcision in General.
You've reverted to name-calling. I guess you have nothing new to add.
Post by Zionazi
You Are Behaving completely Moronic… You killfiled me for telling you
that you were an idiot in a discussion about antisemitism, yet still -
after all that has been said in this ng by specific people - you
communicated with antisemites in a friendly way — that is until 10/7
Happened and you seem to have realized that you were being an idiot
still being friendly to These „rabid dogs“ (Herm, Raydolf etc.).
I never communicated with Ray Hall in a friendly Way. At least not for
Post by Zionazi
You can thank me for Making This Place almost Antisemiten-rein, or at
least very uncomfortable for antisemites — You made This Place
comfortable for antisemites.
Post by Zionazi
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
In some ways I also feel that Hitler pushed Jews back into becoming more
orthodox (a way of coping and also from a jewish Perspective the Shoah
probably made Jews believe even more in the Torah.
I have read more than once (I can't provide a reference offhand) that,
contrary to what many believe, observant Jews who survived the Shoah,
mostly remained observant ("Its a miracle that I survived") and secular
Jews who survived tended to remain secular ("The can't be a God who
would let this happen."
After the Shoah the Chabad-movement (which I view in a positive light in
many ways), basically went on an international „Hunt“ to Draw Jews back
into Religion — Sure it‘s good to keep the Culture alive, but no genital
mutilation please.
Reminds me of those who claim they are not antisemitic, just
anti-Zionist. They don't get to define Judaism and neither do you.
Post by Zionazi
Post by Frank Berger
You See some Insane
Post by Zionazi
orthodox Jews argue that this was god‘s will…
On the Orthodox assumption that God is omnipotent and omniscient,
anything that happens is effectively "God's will."  It can hardly be
otherwise.  Regarding God's third attribute, benevolence, a tragedy must
be "good," but we can hardly always, or even often, know why it was
"good, " or why is was part of God's plan.  Of course, if you tell
people who haven't thought of these things that the Shoah was good, they
will rightly be unimaginably offended and think you are a moron, or
worse.  Regarding rabbis who seem to routinely explain the reason for
eveything that happens, I think that they are outside the mainstream on
this. Does this mean a good Jew doesn't grieve if they spouse or child
dies?  You tell me.
I was just giving some examples where I think some emancipation would be
Why should anyone care would you think about these things?
Post by Zionazi
Instead of imagining a god that loves the Jews, they Imagined a god that
hates them — this is what it almost feels like to me….
Post by Frank Berger
  because Jews have strayed
Post by Zionazi
Away from the Torah; just as Maimonides argued that God was punishing
Jews by hurling them into the midst of the arabs: „ Remember, my
co-religionists, that on account of the vast number of our sins, God has
hurled us in the midst of this people, the Arabs, who have persecuted us
severely, and passed baneful and discriminatory legislation against us,
as Scripture has forewarned us, "Our enemies themselves shall judge us"
(Deuteronomy 32:31). Never did a nation molest, degrade, debase and hate
us as much as they.“.
So You have Maimonides blaming Jews - lol - for how they were treated by
the arabs… so because Jews werent following the Torah god punished them
lol? Do they believe this was justified? Time to confront god (Like
Abraham did wrt Sodom and Gomorrha)… confronting god is jewish yo…
„ They not only succeeded in murdering six million Jewish children,
women, and men. They succeeded in destroying a culture—a very old
culture—that of European Jewry. It was a culture characterized by a
tradition incorporating a complicated tension of particularity and
universality. This internal tension was duplicated as an external one,
characterizing the relation of the Jews with their Christian
surroundings. The Jews were never fully a part of the larger societies
in which they lived nor were they ever fully apart from those societies.
The results were frequently disastrous for the Jews. Sometimes they were
very fruitful. That field of tension became sedimented in most
individual Jews following the emancipation. The ultimate resolution of
this tension between the particular and the universal is, in the Jewish
tradition, a function of time, of history—the coming of the Messiah.
Perhaps, however, in the face of secularization and assimilation,
European Jewry would have given up that tension. Perhaps that culture
would have gradually disappeared as a living tradition, before the
resolution of the particular and the universal had been realized. This
question will never be answered.“
More likely, absent antisemitism, liberal Judaism would have
disappeared, but Orthdoxy would persist, though perhaps in smaller
numbers.  It is said that only 1/5 of the Egyptian Hebews actually left
Egypt - that the other 4/5 were hopelessly irredeemable. In "Why be
Jewish," by Meir Kahane, he describes and incident where to celebrate
the 100th anniversary of the Reform Temple Israel, they were going to
invite descendants of the founding families, but found none who
identified as Jewish. He considered liberal Judaism to be a way station
out of Judaism.
Kahane was right about many things, but he was also an idiot wrt many
I only mentioned one thing.
Post by Zionazi
Good thing is, Ben-Gvir who follows his and Kook‘s footsteps seems to
actually believe in a secular state contrary to Kahane.
You will need to leave your past behind in some way to Progress… Jews
abandonging circumcision would be progression.
Then Kashrut, then Shabbos, then there is no more Judaism. My father,
by the way who was not only secular, but pretty rabidly ant-religious,
would have thought this a good thing, or at least no great loss.
Post by Zionazi
Israel is Not just the State of the Jews, but their only Weapon against
annihilation. It was Not bourgeois enlightenment, Communist utopia nor
the messiah that saved you — but pure weaponry. This is a Realist and
Materialist POV.
Becoming more Realist, while still being spiritually influenced by
Judaism is the way to Go Forward — not Kahane or Ben-Gvir Style,
although i like Ben-Gvir‘s politics in General.
„Hitler has imposed a new categorical imperative upon humanity in the
state of their unfreedom: to arrange their thinking and conduct, so that
Auschwitz never repeats itself, so that nothing similar ever happen
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
If the Germans hadnt gone nuts, the Jews might have emancipated
themselves from Religion with time… with Hitler they got pushed back
into it in some ways…
  Not clear at all, but it is said that the Jews didn't make the
Sabbath. Rather the Sabbath made the Jews.
I was just imagining a history where the Enlightenment actually led to a
truly humane aka ‚communist‘ world…
It‘s not just Jews that need to be emancipated from their Religion (for
themselves), but also Christians, Buddhists etc  —  Most importantly
Marx thought that Religion offers people some solace in this wretched
world and that people would let Go Off it if capitalism had truly been
overcome — with Islam we can‘t wait…
In some ways Marx and what he Longs for is very jewish… just as Jews
Long for a true humane Society (olam haba), Marx also does… but he is
more realistic.
2024-12-22 11:20:02 UTC
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
Post by Frank Berger
I have dark hair (well, gray now).  I don't consider blondes to be
disgusting, so we are even.
No we are not. If you don’t consider uncircumcised penises as disgusting
— we might be in some way.
Why on earth would I? The Torah doesn't require Gentiles to be
circumcised. Why would I be disgusted by something permitted by Jewish law?
Frank, I was obviously just making fun of your line of thought. You
started talking about the color of hair (which has nothing to do with
mutilating body parts) and then decided we were even - while we
obviously weren't.

Since you're not disgusted by uncircumcised penises we are even I guess

Well, why should you be disgusted by something permitted by Jewish Law?
Hmmm... maybe because not everything about Judaism is actually
beautiful, there are a few things which are quite disgusting -- such as
mutilating the penises of infants, gambling with the health of your

I also find it digusting that in some cases (Metzitzah B'Peh) the mohel
sucks the blood of the penis of the baby.

Jeez... why would I find such things digusting? ;D

You see, you have to notice the barbarism not only in others, but also
yourself. Judaism is not free from barbarism.

Furthermore it seems, you don't really care about the goyim -- if you
really believe circumcisiom to be beneficial from medical perspective,
shouldn't you be promoting circumcision for gentiles as well?

You see, I care as much about the Jews - other human beings in general -
as I care about myself. So, since it's quite obvious that circumcision
is unnecessary, I would hope the Jews to realize this one day, and stop
the butchery.
Post by Frank Berger
I still consider the Procedure as barbaric
Post by Zionazi
and disgusting btw — as Long as it is Not done for medical reasons.
Blonde or dark hair or gray hair is something Natural. Foreskin is sth
natural, cutting of the foreskin is Not Natural, it is barbaric.
Are You too brainwashed to understand this simple fact?
Yeah, I'm brainwashed, because I don't agree with you.
Well if you consider cutting off healthy penile tissue to not be
barbaric, but a commandment of god, you are obviously brainwashed.
Furthermore you have a very screwed idea of god...
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
Sure I don’t think it‘s particularly good how Women are treated in some
orthodox circles, but they arent hated and treated as subhumans - and
the Women themselves seem to feel good about their lives. But ofc… some
more emancipation here would be welcomed by me (think about Einat Wilf —
an emancipated Jewress, free from things Holding her back from
developing her Potential).
Unfortunately for you, you don't get to define Jewish religious ritual.
Must be frustrating.
Actually it's unfortunate for the Jews that I don't get to define Jewish
religious rituals ;)

Must be kind of frustrating for the infants getting their dicks
mutilated with the consent of their parents.
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
Post by Frank Berger
If you want to be upset about something, why not consider sex
trafficking, drug cartels, genocide, etc. and leave the Jews alone?
There Are quite a few Jews who think like me — how about Frank, You
leave the dicks of Babies alone?
You don’t seem to realize that what I am saying makes Perfect sense —
instead you Act like an imbecile. How about thinking your Arguments
I Care about a Lot of stuff, and if you hadn’t killfiled me, you might
have Seen This. Furthermore You should realize, it‘s not just About Jews
- you idiot -, it‘s about the practice of circumcision in General.
You've reverted to name-calling. I guess you have nothing new to add.
Oh, how could I call a guy who promotes the mutilation of infants'
penises an idiot?

You are not only an idiot, but a human without much consideration for
the pain of others -- an absolute asshole.

It's not that I didn't have anything new to add, it's that you ignored
all of my points. See, just like Herm doesn't care about the hostages in
Gaza, you and the rabbis don't give a shit about the people - also Jews
- who feel violated by this procedure and/or who suffered a botched
surgery and have problems functioning sexually.

Apparently Frank and the Rabbis love to butcher the penises of people
for god ;D
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
You Are Behaving completely Moronic… You killfiled me for telling you
that you were an idiot in a discussion about antisemitism, yet still -
after all that has been said in this ng by specific people - you
communicated with antisemites in a friendly way — that is until 10/7
Happened and you seem to have realized that you were being an idiot
still being friendly to These „rabid dogs“ (Herm, Raydolf etc.).
I never communicated with Ray Hall in a friendly Way. At least not for
Well you killfiled me, but you didn't killfile Raydolf or Herm - with
whom you have communicated in a friendly way after all that he had said.
You really do lack self-awareness, not too different from Hamas or Herm
or Dan ;)
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
You can thank me for Making This Place almost Antisemiten-rein, or at
least very uncomfortable for antisemites — You made This Place
comfortable for antisemites.
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
In some ways I also feel that Hitler pushed Jews back into becoming more
orthodox (a way of coping and also from a jewish Perspective the Shoah
probably made Jews believe even more in the Torah.
I have read more than once (I can't provide a reference offhand) that,
contrary to what many believe, observant Jews who survived the Shoah,
mostly remained observant ("Its a miracle that I survived") and secular
Jews who survived tended to remain secular ("The can't be a God who
would let this happen."
After the Shoah the Chabad-movement (which I view in a positive light in
many ways), basically went on an international „Hunt“ to Draw Jews back
into Religion — Sure it‘s good to keep the Culture alive, but no genital
mutilation please.
Reminds me of those who claim they are not antisemitic, just
anti-Zionist. They don't get to define Judaism and neither do you.
? I am not trying to define Judaism. Im trying to tell you that not
eveythign about Judaism is good. Unless you are brainwashed, you'd be
able to see this.
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
Post by Frank Berger
You See some Insane
Post by Zionazi
orthodox Jews argue that this was god‘s will…
On the Orthodox assumption that God is omnipotent and omniscient,
anything that happens is effectively "God's will."  It can hardly be
otherwise.  Regarding God's third attribute, benevolence, a tragedy must
be "good," but we can hardly always, or even often, know why it was
"good, " or why is was part of God's plan.  Of course, if you tell
people who haven't thought of these things that the Shoah was good, they
will rightly be unimaginably offended and think you are a moron, or
worse.  Regarding rabbis who seem to routinely explain the reason for
eveything that happens, I think that they are outside the mainstream on
this. Does this mean a good Jew doesn't grieve if they spouse or child
dies?  You tell me.
I was just giving some examples where I think some emancipation would be
Why should anyone care would you think about these things?
You should care about the arguments I'm making. Obviously you have some
personal problems with me, similar to how antisemites have some problems
with Jews.

Why should people listen to Rabbis who argue that the shoah was a
punishment from god for their sins? These rabbis are pissing all over
the people who were rape-murdered at the Nova-Festival -- I mean they
were sinning, weren't they?
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
Instead of imagining a god that loves the Jews, they Imagined a god that
hates them — this is what it almost feels like to me….
Kahane was right about many things, but he was also an idiot wrt many
I only mentioned one thing.
Well I was talking about Kahane, are you Kahane?
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
Good thing is, Ben-Gvir who follows his and Kook‘s footsteps seems to
actually believe in a secular state contrary to Kahane.
You will need to leave your past behind in some way to Progress… Jews
abandonging circumcision would be progression.
Then Kashrut, then Shabbos, then there is no more Judaism. My father,
by the way who was not only secular, but pretty rabidly ant-religious,
would have thought this a good thing, or at least no great loss.
Look, you don't need to become paranoid. I am being very reasonable and
very empathic actually. For the time being I don't consider it to be
benefical for Jews to leave their religion behind altogether, but
ultimately - speaking out of the perpective of emancipation - I wish for
this to become true one day -- not only for Jews, but Christians etc as

For the time being, abandoning circumcision and having a more
enlightened view on Judaism would be very nice I think.

Things can't go on forever like this ;)

Think about the many Jews who suffered botched surgeries thanks to
people like you promoting male genital mutilation... this can't go on
forever. Amen.

You obviously don't give a shit about the suffering of other people --
all you care about is promoting further suffering. Still waiting for
Raydolf to talk about the israeli hsotages, just as I wait for you to
talk about the people who suffered botched circumcisions. But since you
are an absolute asshole, I can obviously wait forever - just liek I can
wait forever for Raydolf to condemn 10/7.

Get this in your head Frank: You gambled with the well-being of your
son, because of superstition or false medical advice.
2024-12-22 12:34:51 UTC
Generally speaking many Jews These days - especially Jews who consider
themselves proud Jews - have a Problem with gentiles telling them what
to do… say me telling them that circumcision is male genital mutilation
and to stop it…

Its not Like the Jews have good experience with gentiles telling them
what would be good for them ;D (say how Germany tries to Tell Israel how
to wage, or rather how to Not wage war against Hamas etc) — Sure I can
understand the Jews… they still Act out of Trauma here… and for the
First time they’re really free to live their Religion (well Not
completely, Theres still Apartheid for jews at the Temple Mount) and
then comes Marc trying to Tell them that some things about their
Religion are actually Bad… Sure that’s Not going sit well with them, but
it’s the truth - really just grow some Balls and Look Reality in the

The Arguments of the gentiles should not be dismissed just because they
arent jewish… that makes you some kind of racist Frank ;)

„Why Should we - the great Jews who have suffered endlessly at the hands
of the goyim - listen to the goyim?“

Well go on mutilate the penises of your Children you Great Jews ;D
2024-12-22 12:37:35 UTC
It seems the persecution by the goyim has turned some Jews (Frank,
Kahane) into complete idiots — and racists ;D
2024-12-22 12:46:28 UTC
This type of jewish Pride - the one exhibited by Frank - is wrong, they
end up biting their own Asses.
2024-12-22 13:37:00 UTC
I think I might have been wrong calling Frank a proud Jew, he is more an
arrogant Jew :)
Frank Berger
2024-12-23 06:40:43 UTC
Post by Zionazi
Generally speaking many Jews These days - especially Jews who consider
themselves proud Jews - have a Problem with gentiles telling them what
to do… say me telling them that circumcision is male genital mutilation
and to stop it…
Its not Like the Jews have good experience with gentiles telling them
what would be good for them ;D (say how Germany tries to Tell Israel how
to wage, or rather how to Not wage war against Hamas etc) — Sure I can
understand the Jews… they still Act out of Trauma here… and for the
First time they’re really free to live their Religion (well Not
completely, Theres still Apartheid for jews at the Temple Mount) and
then comes Marc trying to Tell them that some things about their
Religion are actually Bad… Sure that’s Not going sit well with them, but
it’s the truth - really just grow some Balls and Look Reality in the
The Arguments of the gentiles should not be dismissed just because they
arent jewish… that makes you some kind of racist Frank ;)
„Why Should we - the great Jews who have suffered endlessly at the hands
of the goyim - listen to the goyim?“
Well go on mutilate the penises of your Children you Great Jews ;D
As always, you try to overwhelm your adversary with rhetoric, almost all
of it irrelevant or just personal opinion. I'm going to have my head
2024-12-23 11:38:55 UTC
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
Generally speaking many Jews These days - especially Jews who consider
themselves proud Jews - have a Problem with gentiles telling them what
to do… say me telling them that circumcision is male genital mutilation
and to stop it…
Its not Like the Jews have good experience with gentiles telling them
what would be good for them ;D (say how Germany tries to Tell Israel how
to wage, or rather how to Not wage war against Hamas etc) — Sure I can
understand the Jews… they still Act out of Trauma here… and for the
First time they’re really free to live their Religion (well Not
completely, Theres still Apartheid for jews at the Temple Mount) and
then comes Marc trying to Tell them that some things about their
Religion are actually Bad… Sure that’s Not going sit well with them, but
it’s the truth - really just grow some Balls and Look Reality in the
The Arguments of the gentiles should not be dismissed just because they
arent jewish… that makes you some kind of racist Frank ;)
„Why Should we - the great Jews who have suffered endlessly at the hands
of the goyim - listen to the goyim?“
Well go on mutilate the penises of your Children you Great Jews ;D
As always, you try to overwhelm your adversary with rhetoric, almost all
of it irrelevant or just personal opinion.
This is just your personal opinion. Apparently for you the fact that
Jewish infants have died because of this barbaric ritual is completely
irrelevant. Fuck yourself Frank. Go to hell.

Actually it's the rabbis who try to overwhelm you with rhetoric... I'm
just talking facts here :)

Again: Jewish infants have died because of this barbaric ritual and
you're ignoring this.

Schabbat 134a:

"As it was taught in a baraita, Rabbi Natan said: On one occasion, I
went to the coastal cities, and one woman came before me who circumcised
her first son and he died, and she circumcised her second son and he
died, and since she feared circumcising the third due to concern that he
might die as well, she brought him before me. I saw that he was red. I
said to her: Wait until his blood is absorbed into him. She waited until
his blood was absorbed into him and then circumcised him, and he lived.
And they would call him Natan the Babylonian after my name."


Frank Berger
2024-12-23 06:38:03 UTC
Post by Zionazi
Post by Zionazi
Post by Frank Berger
I have dark hair (well, gray now).  I don't consider blondes to be
disgusting, so we are even.
No we are not. If you don’t consider uncircumcised penises as disgusting
— we might be in some way.
Why on earth would I?  The Torah doesn't require Gentiles to be
circumcised.  Why would I be disgusted by something permitted by Jewish
Frank, I was obviously just making fun of your line of thought. You
started talking about the color of hair (which has nothing to do with
mutilating body parts) and then decided we were even - while we
obviously weren't.
Since you're not disgusted by uncircumcised penises we are even I guess
Well, why should you be disgusted by something permitted by Jewish Law?
Hmmm... maybe because not everything about Judaism is actually
beautiful, there are a few things which are quite disgusting -- such as
mutilating the penises of infants, gambling with the health of your
I also find it digusting that in some cases (Metzitzah B'Peh) the mohel
sucks the blood of the penis of the baby.
Jeez... why would I find such things digusting? ;D
You are entitled to be disgusted by anything. Consider the fact that
millions of people disagree with you.
Post by Zionazi
You see, you have to notice the barbarism not only in others, but also
yourself. Judaism is not free from barbarism.
Post by Zionazi
Furthermore it seems, you don't really care about the goyim -- if you
really believe circumcisiom to be beneficial from medical perspective,
shouldn't you be promoting circumcision for gentiles as well?
I didn't say circumcision was medically beneficial. I said or implied,
that you may be greatly exaggerating the risk for political purposes.
Post by Zionazi
You see, I care as much about the Jews - other human beings in general -
as I care about myself. So, since it's quite obvious that circumcision
is unnecessary, I would hope the Jews to realize this one day, and stop
the butchery.
Some have. I have no idea what percentage of baby boy born to secular or
reform Jews are circumcised.
Post by Zionazi
  I still consider the Procedure as barbaric
Post by Zionazi
and disgusting btw — as Long as it is Not done for medical reasons.
I really don't care about your personal opinion. Why should I?
Post by Zionazi
Post by Zionazi
Blonde or dark hair or gray hair is something Natural. Foreskin is sth
natural, cutting of the foreskin is Not Natural, it is barbaric.
Are You too brainwashed to understand this simple fact?
Yeah, I'm brainwashed, because I don't agree with you.
Well if you consider cutting off healthy penile tissue to not be
barbaric, but a commandment of god, you are obviously brainwashed.
Furthermore you have a very screwed idea of god...
Post by Zionazi
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
Sure I don’t think it‘s particularly good how Women are treated in some
orthodox circles, but they arent hated and treated as subhumans - and
the Women themselves seem to feel good about their lives. But ofc… some
more emancipation here would be welcomed by me (think about Einat Wilf —
an emancipated Jewress, free from things Holding her back from
developing her Potential).
Unfortunately for you, you don't get to define Jewish religious ritual.
Must be frustrating.
Actually it's unfortunate for the Jews that I don't get to define Jewish
religious rituals ;)
Must be kind of frustrating for the infants getting their dicks
mutilated with the consent of their parents.
Post by Zionazi
Post by Frank Berger
If you want to be upset about something, why not consider sex
trafficking, drug cartels, genocide, etc. and leave the Jews alone?
There Are quite a few Jews who think like me — how about Frank, You
leave the dicks of Babies alone?
You don’t seem to realize that what I am saying makes Perfect sense —
instead you Act like an imbecile. How about thinking your Arguments
I Care about a Lot of stuff, and if you hadn’t killfiled me, you might
have Seen This. Furthermore You should realize, it‘s not just About Jews
- you idiot -, it‘s about the practice of circumcision in General.
You've reverted to name-calling.  I guess you have nothing new to add.
Oh, how could I call a guy who promotes the mutilation of infants'
penises an idiot?
You are not only an idiot, but a human without much consideration for
the pain of others -- an absolute asshole.
It's not that I didn't have anything new to add, it's that you ignored
all of my points. See, just like Herm doesn't care about the hostages in
Gaza, you and the rabbis don't give a shit about the people - also Jews
- who feel violated by this procedure and/or who suffered a botched
surgery and have problems functioning sexually.
Apparently Frank and the Rabbis love to butcher the penises of people
for god ;D
Post by Zionazi
You Are Behaving completely Moronic… You killfiled me for telling you
that you were an idiot in a discussion about antisemitism, yet still -
after all that has been said in this ng by specific people - you
communicated with antisemites in a friendly way — that is until 10/7
Happened and you seem to have realized that you were being an idiot
still being friendly to These „rabid dogs“ (Herm, Raydolf etc.).
I never communicated with Ray Hall in a friendly Way.  At least not for
Well you killfiled me, but you didn't killfile Raydolf or Herm - with
whom you have communicated in a friendly way after all that he had said.
You really do lack self-awareness, not too different from Hamas or Herm
or Dan ;)
Post by Zionazi
You can thank me for Making This Place almost Antisemiten-rein, or at
least very uncomfortable for antisemites — You made This Place
comfortable for antisemites.
Post by Zionazi
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
In some ways I also feel that Hitler pushed Jews back into becoming more
orthodox (a way of coping and also from a jewish Perspective the Shoah
probably made Jews believe even more in the Torah.
I have read more than once (I can't provide a reference offhand) that,
contrary to what many believe, observant Jews who survived the Shoah,
mostly remained observant ("Its a miracle that I survived") and secular
Jews who survived tended to remain secular ("The can't be a God who
would let this happen."
After the Shoah the Chabad-movement (which I view in a positive light in
many ways), basically went on an international „Hunt“ to Draw Jews back
into Religion — Sure it‘s good to keep the Culture alive, but no genital
mutilation please.
Reminds me of those who claim they are not antisemitic, just
anti-Zionist.  They don't get to define Judaism and neither do you.
? I am not trying to define Judaism. Im trying to tell you that not
eveythign about Judaism is good. Unless you are brainwashed, you'd be
able to see this.
Post by Zionazi
Post by Frank Berger
You See some Insane
Post by Zionazi
orthodox Jews argue that this was god‘s will…
On the Orthodox assumption that God is omnipotent and omniscient,
anything that happens is effectively "God's will."  It can hardly be
otherwise.  Regarding God's third attribute, benevolence, a tragedy must
be "good," but we can hardly always, or even often, know why it was
"good, " or why is was part of God's plan.  Of course, if you tell
people who haven't thought of these things that the Shoah was good, they
will rightly be unimaginably offended and think you are a moron, or
worse.  Regarding rabbis who seem to routinely explain the reason for
eveything that happens, I think that they are outside the mainstream on
this. Does this mean a good Jew doesn't grieve if they spouse or child
dies?  You tell me.
I was just giving some examples where I think some emancipation would be
Why should anyone care would you think about these things?
You should care about the arguments I'm making. Obviously you have some
personal problems with me, similar to how antisemites have some problems
with Jews.
Why should people listen to Rabbis who argue that the shoah was a
punishment from god for their sins? These rabbis are pissing all over
the people who were rape-murdered at the Nova-Festival -- I mean they
were sinning, weren't they?
Post by Zionazi
Instead of imagining a god that loves the Jews, they Imagined a god that
hates them — this is what it almost feels like to me….
Kahane was right about many things, but he was also an idiot wrt many
I only mentioned one thing.
Well I was talking about Kahane, are you Kahane?
Post by Zionazi
Good thing is, Ben-Gvir who follows his and Kook‘s footsteps seems to
actually believe in a secular state contrary to Kahane.
You will need to leave your past behind in some way to Progress… Jews
abandonging circumcision would be progression.
Then Kashrut, then Shabbos, then there is no more Judaism.  My father,
by the way who was not only secular, but pretty rabidly ant-religious,
would have thought this a good thing, or at least no great loss.
Look, you don't need to become paranoid. I am being very reasonable and
very empathic actually. For the time being I don't consider it to be
benefical for Jews to leave their religion behind altogether, but
ultimately - speaking out of the perpective of emancipation - I wish for
this to become true one day -- not only for Jews, but Christians etc as
For the time being, abandoning circumcision and having a more
enlightened view on Judaism would be very nice I think.
Things can't go on forever like this ;)
Think about the many Jews who suffered botched surgeries thanks to
people like you promoting male genital mutilation... this can't go on
forever. Amen.
You obviously don't give a shit about the suffering of other people --
all you care about is promoting further suffering. Still waiting for
Raydolf to talk about the israeli hsotages, just as I wait for you to
talk about the people who suffered botched circumcisions. But since you
are an absolute asshole, I can obviously wait forever - just liek I can
wait forever for Raydolf to condemn 10/7.
Get this in your head Frank: You gambled with the well-being of your
son, because of superstition or false medical advice.
2024-12-23 11:33:05 UTC
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
Jeez... why would I find such things digusting? ;D
You are entitled to be disgusted by anything. Consider the fact that
millions of people disagree with you.
A Billion at least actually - you forgot them muzzies ;D

Milions - well maybe actually Billions - also disagree with you and
myself about the right of Israel to exist. Consider this fact.

Millions of people in Germany also considered themselves (as you
well-know) to be saving the world by ridding the world of Jews. Consider
this fact.

Millions of people in Israel consider themselves to be saving the world
- fulfilling God's commandments and thus preparing the earth for the
arrival of the messiah - by mutilating the dicks of their infants.
Consider this fact.

etc etc
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
You see, you have to notice the barbarism not only in others, but also
yourself. Judaism is not free from barbarism.
No, it's the truth.

Again Schabbat 134 - which you conveniently ignore:

"As it was taught in a baraita, Rabbi Natan said: On one occasion, I
went to the coastal cities, and one woman came before me who circumcised
her first son and he died, and she circumcised her second son and he
died, and since she feared circumcising the third due to concern that he
might die as well, she brought him before me. I saw that he was red. I
said to her: Wait until his blood is absorbed into him. She waited until
his blood was absorbed into him and then circumcised him, and he lived.
And they would call him Natan the Babylonian after my name."

This is barbarism. The mother and the rabbi gambled with the life of the
child, and you gambled with the well-being of your child. I am still
waiting for you to address this - but you don't because you don't have
any counter-argument, so you just ignore. You are free ofc to continue
to behave like a moron.

Next you'll be telling me that it's an opinion that Nazism is not free
from barbarism. Or that the religion of the aztecs and their human
sacrifices are not barbaric - it's all just opinion.

What you are doing here is relativization. Cultural relativization. You
see, islamic culture is morally (amongst other things) inferior to
Jewish culture, and Jewish culture is morally inferior to secular
culture -- maybe not in every aspect, but generally.

This has become en vogue in the west, to relativize cultures (especially
to hate on the western culture) -- instead of realizing that western
culture is superior to islamic culture.
Post by Frank Berger
I really don't care about your personal opinion. Why should I?
Obviously you do, otherwise you wouldn't be asking me questions about
this matter...

The real problem though is, that you don't care about the Jewish infants
who died because of this barbaric procedure, and that you didn't care
about the well-being of your own child.

Sure shoot the messenger, not the rabbis I guess ;D

Again: Schabbat 134a:

"As it was taught in a baraita, Rabbi Natan said: On one occasion, I
went to the coastal cities, and one woman came before me who circumcised
her first son and he died, and she circumcised her second son and he
died, and since she feared circumcising the third due to concern that he
might die as well, she brought him before me. I saw that he was red. I
said to her: Wait until his blood is absorbed into him. She waited until
his blood was absorbed into him and then circumcised him, and he lived.
And they would call him Natan the Babylonian after my name."

See how little you care about the well-being of Jews? And the well-being
of your own child? You ignore that Jewish infants have died because of
2024-12-22 13:21:53 UTC
So on the First Page of This Thread I presented Frank the evidence that
at least two infants - Jewish infants - died because of complications
resulting from „Metzitzah B‘peh“ — and just like Herm chose to ignore
Kfir and Ariel Bibas, Frank - and the orthodox Community - are ignoring
These two Jewish infants, who died because of a jewish Ritual… doesn’t
fit in your narrative, does it? So These two dead infants get Swept
under the rug.

This Jew (Frank) doesnt seem to really Care about Jewish life.

Would These infants have survived if the Rabbis didn’t mutilate their
genitals? Most likely duh… do the Rabbis Care? No, they Sweep it under
the rug.

There is a particularly alarming Section in the Talmud, in which a rabbi
argues that if one Child has died because of complications of a
circumcision, the second Child should not be circumcised — lol… how
about abandonging circumcision altogether, so no Jewish Child is at Risk
of being hurt unnecessarily.

Fuck yourself honestly

„According to a study published in 2012 by the US Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (CDC)[15], around 3,600 newborn boys per year
within the community of ultra-Orthodox Jews in New York City (which has
around 250,000 members) underwent this variant of the procedure.[16]
From November 2000 to December 2011, eleven cases were reported in which
the circumcised infants were infected with herpes; ten had to be treated
in hospital. Two of them suffered permanent brain damage, two of them
died. The number of unreported cases is unknown. The appeal by then New
York Mayor Michael Bloomberg in 2005 to distance themselves from this
practice was rejected with the claim that oral-genital circumcision was
safe.[17] Rabbi David Zwiebel claimed in June 2012 that regulation would
push the ceremony underground and thus make it riskier.[16] In September
2012, the New York City Board of Health passed a rule that a mohel may
only perform a metzitzah b'peh if the boy's parents have given prior
written consent.[18]“
2024-12-22 15:21:19 UTC
Post by Zionazi
There is a particularly alarming Section in the Talmud, in which a rabbi
argues that if one Child has died because of complications of a
circumcision, the second Child should not be circumcised — lol… how
about abandonging circumcision altogether, so no Jewish Child is at Risk
of being hurt unnecessarily.
Its Kind of ironic how Christians thought Jews were murdering Christian
Children in Jewish Rituals… actually Jews were indirectly sacrificing
Jewish infants for hashem… to appease a Crazy ass god ;D

and no the Rabbis did Not Care and still don’t; they Care more about the
Jewish Religion than jewish life.

Revolutionize chanukkah - resistance to Rabbis my chaverim!
2024-12-15 10:12:20 UTC
I have dark hair (well, gray now). I don't
consider blondes to be disgusting, so we
are even.
De gustibus.

Frank Berger
2024-12-12 06:29:37 UTC
Post by Zionazi
Post by Zionazi
Just sayin
I have for many reasons Great Respect for Judaism, but obviously it‘s
time for some things not to be practiced anymore — some things  Should
have Never been practiced.
modern jewry emancipated from ancient rituals
The only one I KNOW you are referring to is circumcision.  Are there
For the time being that‘s the one I‘m Most concerned about.
You already talked to me about this once before; You still had me
killfiled so I didn‘t bother to answer…
„Imagine how Jews feel about it. Have you ever attended a Bris (ritual
circumcision)? There is dual "vibe." Pride and Joy at entering a child
into the fold and tension/pity over the pain that the infant is going to
go through. The fact is, though, that the baby usually starts crying as
soon as he is on his back and exposed. When the snip occurs, you often
can't even hear in increase in intensity of the crying. Not that it
doesn't hurt. I've the opposite, where the baby is perfectly happy until
the snip. The baby is given a wine-soaked cloth to suck on which
districts him and presumably anesthetic. I've never seen a baby cry at a
bris for money than a minute or so. It doesn't seem as though it bothers
them any more than a wet or dirty diaper. I don't know if there's
research on this. I've seen people say why do we do this brutal thing to
our boys, answer it's because my father did it do me and I'm going to
get even by doing it to my son. Really. Why do we really do it? Because
the Torah says so. I don't know liberal (Reform, Reconstructionist) have
different attitudes toward circumcision and if a significant number of
them don't practice it. The Orthodox would never imagine not
circumcising their boys. When the Soviet Union finally started Jews
emigrate, very few were observant, yet thousands (I can't prove this) of
grown Jewish men who had not been circumcised (it was illegal in the SU)
had themselves circumcised when they had the freedom to do so. When I
lived in Dallas I was close with quite a few Russian Jews and know this
to be a fact. I certainly would expect and understand an atheist to
think the practice is cruel and barbaric. Tough.“
There is quite a Bit wrong with what You’re saying here, how You’re
addressing this Topic…. Give Me a few minutes to answer
I am embarrassed at the number of errors and dropped words. The
substance I will stick to.
2024-12-12 12:29:16 UTC
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
Post by Zionazi
Just sayin
I have for many reasons Great Respect for Judaism, but obviously it‘s
time for some things not to be practiced anymore — some things  Should
have Never been practiced.
modern jewry emancipated from ancient rituals
The only one I KNOW you are referring to is circumcision.  Are there
For the time being that‘s the one I‘m Most concerned about.
You already talked to me about this once before; You still had me
killfiled so I didn‘t bother to answer…
„Imagine how Jews feel about it. Have you ever attended a Bris (ritual
circumcision)? There is dual "vibe." Pride and Joy at entering a child
into the fold and tension/pity over the pain that the infant is going to
go through. The fact is, though, that the baby usually starts crying as
soon as he is on his back and exposed. When the snip occurs, you often
can't even hear in increase in intensity of the crying. Not that it
doesn't hurt. I've the opposite, where the baby is perfectly happy until
the snip. The baby is given a wine-soaked cloth to suck on which
districts him and presumably anesthetic. I've never seen a baby cry at a
bris for money than a minute or so. It doesn't seem as though it bothers
them any more than a wet or dirty diaper. I don't know if there's
research on this. I've seen people say why do we do this brutal thing to
our boys, answer it's because my father did it do me and I'm going to
get even by doing it to my son. Really. Why do we really do it? Because
the Torah says so. I don't know liberal (Reform, Reconstructionist) have
different attitudes toward circumcision and if a significant number of
them don't practice it. The Orthodox would never imagine not
circumcising their boys. When the Soviet Union finally started Jews
emigrate, very few were observant, yet thousands (I can't prove this) of
grown Jewish men who had not been circumcised (it was illegal in the SU)
had themselves circumcised when they had the freedom to do so. When I
lived in Dallas I was close with quite a few Russian Jews and know this
to be a fact. I certainly would expect and understand an atheist to
think the practice is cruel and barbaric. Tough.“
There is quite a Bit wrong with what You’re saying here, how You’re
addressing this Topic…. Give Me a few minutes to answer
I am embarrassed at the number of errors and dropped words. The
substance I will stick to.
Check your Priorities…

I think it‘s Kind of Funny You’re embarrassed by the number of errors,
yet Not about gambling with the physical well-being of your sons.

You‘re being pedantic…
Frank Berger
2024-12-15 09:19:17 UTC
Post by Zionazi
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
Post by Zionazi
Just sayin
I have for many reasons Great Respect for Judaism, but obviously it‘s
time for some things not to be practiced anymore — some things  Should
have Never been practiced.
modern jewry emancipated from ancient rituals
The only one I KNOW you are referring to is circumcision.  Are there
For the time being that‘s the one I‘m Most concerned about.
You already talked to me about this once before; You still had me
killfiled so I didn‘t bother to answer…
„Imagine how Jews feel about it. Have you ever attended a Bris (ritual
circumcision)? There is dual "vibe." Pride and Joy at entering a child
into the fold and tension/pity over the pain that the infant is going to
go through. The fact is, though, that the baby usually starts crying as
soon as he is on his back and exposed. When the snip occurs, you often
can't even hear in increase in intensity of the crying. Not that it
doesn't hurt. I've the opposite, where the baby is perfectly happy until
the snip. The baby is given a wine-soaked cloth to suck on which
districts him and presumably anesthetic. I've never seen a baby cry at a
bris for money than a minute or so. It doesn't seem as though it bothers
them any more than a wet or dirty diaper. I don't know if there's
research on this. I've seen people say why do we do this brutal thing to
our boys, answer it's because my father did it do me and I'm going to
get even by doing it to my son. Really. Why do we really do it? Because
the Torah says so. I don't know liberal (Reform, Reconstructionist) have
different attitudes toward circumcision and if a significant number of
them don't practice it. The Orthodox would never imagine not
circumcising their boys. When the Soviet Union finally started Jews
emigrate, very few were observant, yet thousands (I can't prove this) of
grown Jewish men who had not been circumcised (it was illegal in the SU)
had themselves circumcised when they had the freedom to do so. When I
lived in Dallas I was close with quite a few Russian Jews and know this
to be a fact. I certainly would expect and understand an atheist to
think the practice is cruel and barbaric. Tough.“
There is quite a Bit wrong with what You’re saying here, how You’re
addressing this Topic…. Give Me a few minutes to answer
I am embarrassed at the number of errors and dropped words. The
substance I will stick to.
Check your Priorities…
I think it‘s Kind of Funny You’re embarrassed by the number of errors,
yet Not about gambling with the physical well-being of your sons.
You‘re being pedantic…
You have a lot to learn. Quote me some health statistics regarding
circumcision. My understanding is that there are no serious differences
between cut and uncut. If you want to oppose circumcision on ethical
grounds, fine. But be sure of your medical facts before you start
telling me I'm gambling with my son's health.
Todd M. McComb
2024-12-15 18:51:20 UTC
Post by Frank Berger
You have a lot to learn.
And you're inviting this clown to lecture you on Judaism? Have you
lost your mind?
2024-12-15 19:59:08 UTC
Post by Todd M. McComb
Post by Frank Berger
You have a lot to learn.
And you're inviting this clown to lecture
you on Judaism? Have you lost your mind?
Marc S. needs no invitations to lecture.
Lecturing is his "normal" behavior.
Very Teutonic.

2024-12-16 08:03:19 UTC
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
Post by Zionazi
Just sayin
I have for many reasons Great Respect for Judaism, but obviously it‘s
time for some things not to be practiced anymore — some things  Should
have Never been practiced.
modern jewry emancipated from ancient rituals
The only one I KNOW you are referring to is circumcision.  Are there
For the time being that‘s the one I‘m Most concerned about.
You already talked to me about this once before; You still had me
killfiled so I didn‘t bother to answer…
„Imagine how Jews feel about it. Have you ever attended a Bris (ritual
circumcision)? There is dual "vibe." Pride and Joy at entering a child
into the fold and tension/pity over the pain that the infant is going to
go through. The fact is, though, that the baby usually starts crying as
soon as he is on his back and exposed. When the snip occurs, you often
can't even hear in increase in intensity of the crying. Not that it
doesn't hurt. I've the opposite, where the baby is perfectly happy until
the snip. The baby is given a wine-soaked cloth to suck on which
districts him and presumably anesthetic. I've never seen a baby cry at a
bris for money than a minute or so. It doesn't seem as though it bothers
them any more than a wet or dirty diaper. I don't know if there's
research on this. I've seen people say why do we do this brutal thing to
our boys, answer it's because my father did it do me and I'm going to
get even by doing it to my son. Really. Why do we really do it? Because
the Torah says so. I don't know liberal (Reform, Reconstructionist) have
different attitudes toward circumcision and if a significant number of
them don't practice it. The Orthodox would never imagine not
circumcising their boys. When the Soviet Union finally started Jews
emigrate, very few were observant, yet thousands (I can't prove this) of
grown Jewish men who had not been circumcised (it was illegal in the SU)
had themselves circumcised when they had the freedom to do so. When I
lived in Dallas I was close with quite a few Russian Jews and know this
to be a fact. I certainly would expect and understand an atheist to
think the practice is cruel and barbaric. Tough.“
There is quite a Bit wrong with what You’re saying here, how You’re
addressing this Topic…. Give Me a few minutes to answer
I am embarrassed at the number of errors and dropped words. The
substance I will stick to.
Check your Priorities…
I think it‘s Kind of Funny You’re embarrassed by the number of errors,
yet Not about gambling with the physical well-being of your sons.
You‘re being pedantic…
You have a lot to learn. Quote me some health statistics regarding
circumcision. My understanding is that there are no serious differences
between cut and uncut. If you want to oppose circumcision on ethical
grounds, fine. But be sure of your medical facts before you start
telling me I'm gambling with my son's health.
Frank for Christ‘s sake ;D I already provided medical facts… just like
Herman and Raydolf ignored all your arguments on why not to Trust Hamas
numbers, You have ignored what I have written - for example about
botched circumcisions…

Read what I don’t Wrote and linked to carefully…

I am just repeating the obvious here:

Every Surgical procedure provides a certain risk — no matter if you have
to cut out a Tumor or cut Off the foreskin. The thing with
‚circumcision‘ - unless Done for medical reasons - is that it’s
completely unnecessary…

From a Medical Perspective you are Causing physical and psychological
harm. You don’t need to be a genius or doctor to understand this…

Furthermore its not your right to make this decision for Your Child —
This can sow Distrust between the Child and the caregiver… it’s the Body
of Your Child, You can change religions, but this you can’t change!

Frank answer This question: don‘t you think that even 1 botched
‚circumcision‘ (aside from all the other Arguments against this; such as
self-determination — don’t you always like to Talk about Jewish Right to
Self-determination btw? Well then let them.) is enough to end This
practice once and for all? I posted an article written by a Jew who
suffers extremly from a botched circumcision - which you have obviously
ignored… is he just considered collateral damage in an Attempt to
appease god?!
2024-12-16 08:15:20 UTC
So yes Frank, since every surgical procedure provides a risk, and since
circumcision in the case of your son(s?) was likely medically
unnecessary, you fucking gambled with the well-being of your son… with
the physical as well as psychological well-being. That’s Not difficult
to understand…

Now since your son or one of your sons is what it seems like an orthodox
Jews he will thank you for this and wont hold any grudge against you —
but that‘s just because he is brainwashed here… not saying your son is
generally Bad or doesnt have good insight into politics or other things…
but wrt Judaism he is likely very brainwashed…
2024-12-16 08:29:11 UTC
I had already Shared This here once or twice:

Chaim Weizmann was a great admirer of Nietzsche; the first president of
Israel sent Nietzsche's books to his wife, adding a comment in a letter
that "This was the best and finest thing I can send to you."[302] Israel
Eldad, the ideological chief of the Stern Gang that fought the British
in Palestine in the 1940s, wrote about Nietzsche in his underground
newspaper and later translated most of Nietzsche's books into


Nietzschean Zionism:

„Friedrich Nietzsche's influence was expressed itself by a desire to
move away from the Jewish past into an empowering future for the Hebraic
New Man, the adoption of his ideas necessitating the Jews to surpass the
antiquarian Jewish identity that had a rabbinical consciousness at its

„Chaim Weizmann, leader of the Zionist movement and future first
president of the State of Israel, was influenced by the writings of
Friedrich Nietzsche,[9] believing that the Jews lacked power and seeing
in Zionism a phenomenon that would steer the Jews toward power and
freeing themselves.[10] Whether Weizmann's intention was conscious or
not, his ideas relate to Nietzsche's ideal of the Übermensch. Although
he believed that the Jews contained sufficient intellect to understand
and incorporate the writings of Nietzsche into their lives, Weizmann
believed this could not be done on a mass-scale.[10]“


This I hadn‘t:

„[Nietzsche] claimed that Judaism went through a negative,
moralistic-pessimistic transformation during the Babylonian captivity.
By losing their native aristocratic class, subjugated Jews, now composed
only of the priestly caste and the Chandala, became resentful toward
their foreign masters and generalized such feelings into a religious
ressentiment towards any type of aristocracy, thus inventing the
Master–slave morality.[120][121]

2024-12-16 09:02:56 UTC
Also; in Response to what you Said about how Auschwitz didn‘t change
anything about the religiosity of Jews (*orthodox Stayed orthodox,
secular Jews remained secular) — I don‘t have any numbers on this, and
it would be quite complex to Assess this I believe. According to my
feelings from what I experienced though even secular Jews seem to have
developed a more religious Jewish Identity (I can be wrong).

And Kahane is obviously traumatized by the Shoah — understandbly. It‘s
this Trauma which I believe drew him that much into Religion, it‘s also
this Trauma which made him a Bit lunatic and prevented him from Doing
good politics… (he had some good ideas and insights, but ultimately he
was really a Bit too Crazy - not to mention Full of himself (ahem Dan)
and possibly a pathological narcissist (which likely is true for Trump
as well, but his politics are good).
2024-12-16 10:14:04 UTC
Likely Frank at the time of his son‘s circumcision didn’t have a
critical understanding of what risks this procedure provided or he was
repressing all the scary thoughts. He didn’t even think about this being
a gamble…

But now that this has been pointed out to him, i expect a more critical
and honest reflection on what he did or rather what he allowed others to
do to his son — and I also expect him to actually Read what I Wrote
(Medical evidence that circumcision is causing physical harm — Dude… You
are literally cutting Off sth from one of the Most sensitive Organs
humans have… Read: you are cutting of flesh from the dick. And you have
trouble - I mean Im Not Talking about a botched surgery here -
understanding that circumcision is causing harm?! You want studies?! You
realize foreskin doesnt Grow back Like nails or hair right?! Do you also
want studies on why it would be Bad for cutting off Parts of the ear of
a baby after it has been Born? Or why it would be Bad to cut Off a
Finger of a Baby after it has been Born? Or why it would be Bad to cut a
Baby with a knife — even superficially, so that the Baby doesnt even cry
— after it has been Born? — cognitive dissonance Frank?)

I can’t understand how this barbaric practice Paved its way into the
21st Century (well I do in Part; in the US there were religious reasons
for example; it was thought that people would Masturbate less for
example) and how supposedly civilized people are still defending this…

Like how can people downplay this in the 21st Century?! How can they -
like Frank - be completely unaware of the risks involved: well because
of brainwashing, Pride and stuff like that…

It almost seems Like im Talking to savages who just came out of the
Jungle and for the First time were confronted with civilization… cutting
of foreskin = male genital mutilation… an ancient barbaric Ritual…
2024-12-16 10:44:52 UTC
I just think it’s fucking Crazy how male genital mutilation has been
sort of Normalized… and how you people (Note I am Not Talking
specifically about Jews, but everyone who either downplays it or doesnt
condemn it) can’t even think critically about it… This is scary tbh

Then you also have people Like Herman who Demonize Israel and Quote
Hamas Numbers — and who truly believe themselves To be on the good side


And Todd ofc didn’t have any issues With Herm, Raydolf etc. Demonizing
Israel — and Todd also didn’t have any issue calling me a Nazi, while I
was the one defending Israel… and this guy has the chutzpah to Chime in
here ;D

And proud Jew would happily Tell Todd to fuck Off… and guess what that‘s
Not what Dan did ;)
2024-12-16 10:52:29 UTC
Just like many Germans watched Jews being demonized and Transported
away, Todd watched on as Jews/Israel were/was being demonized and
attacked here — and when I stood up for Israel, he called me a nazi… the
chutzpah honestly…

Raydolf even called for the decolonization of Israel — Not unlike

Todd didn’t have any issues with that… but Todd had issues with me
calling Raydolf an antisemite…

Please my chaverim… Tell Todd to fuck Off.

I know Dan doesnt like to be told what to do… but he sure knows im Right
about This ;D
2024-12-16 11:28:39 UTC
For further clarification:

*ofc many Germans not only watched on but participated — but Todd more
or less ‚only‘ watched on… well he also believed in the Hamas Numbers it
seems, I mean he Never condemned Herm‘s use of them, and he was also
showing some solidarity with the dead fakestinians… but what did Todd -
just like Herm (who explained that he knew people who knew Anne Frank
;D) and Raydolf, and Gerry - Never mention? The Israeli hostages… Not
one word about them… only „Israel Bombs 1000000 children“ „Israel bombs
1000000 civilians“ „Israel genocide“ „Marc is a Nazi“ „Zionists Are
fascists“ etc. etc.

Also not one Word from These fucking retards about IDF soldiers who have
given their lives to Protect Israel… many young soldiers… in the eyes of
Herm and Raydolf and likely also Todd‘s, These are Zionist-Nazi (!!!)
soldiers who are Not to be mourned - I mean they hated on them lol
Pluted Pup
2024-12-18 22:23:05 UTC
Post by Zionazi
So yes Frank, since every surgical procedure provides a risk, and since
circumcision in the case of your son(s?) was likely medically
unnecessary, you fucking gambled with the well-being of your son... with
the physical as well as psychological well-being. That´s Not difficult
to understand...
Now since your son or one of your sons is what it seems like an orthodox
Jews he will thank you for this and wont hold any grudge against you -
but that`s just because he is brainwashed here... not saying your son is
generally Bad or doesnt have good insight into politics or other things...
but wrt Judaism he is likely very brainwashed...
Perhaps your cries of empathy for Jewish infants
rings shallow, after all you are either a non-Jew
pretending to be a Jew or a Jew pretending to be a
non-Jew. Frauds have no credibility.
2024-12-18 23:10:09 UTC
Post by Pluted Pup
Post by Zionazi
So yes Frank, since every surgical procedure provides a risk, and since
circumcision in the case of your son(s?) was likely medically
unnecessary, you fucking gambled with the well-being of your son... with
the physical as well as psychological well-being. That´s Not difficult
to understand...
Now since your son or one of your sons is what it seems like an orthodox
Jews he will thank you for this and wont hold any grudge against you -
but that`s just because he is brainwashed here... not saying your son is
generally Bad or doesnt have good insight into politics or other things...
but wrt Judaism he is likely very brainwashed...
Perhaps your cries of empathy for Jewish infants
rings shallow, after all you are either a non-Jew
pretending to be a Jew or a Jew pretending to be a
non-Jew. Frauds have no credibility.
Almost seems Like you had your foreskin cut off when you were a baby as
well… love These circumcised jewish antisemites ;D especially them
jealous circumcised muzzies
2024-12-19 00:17:41 UTC
*circumcised (wannabe jewish) antisemites

actually meant to Write circumcised antisemites…

But there are Ofc also circumcised jewish antisemites
2024-12-19 00:20:41 UTC
So ya it seems quite obvious to me that pluted is circumcised and a
christian… lol circumcised and Christian… lol… I mean it’s a jewish
Religion after all ;)
2024-12-19 00:30:11 UTC
To be more Precise: in the beginning it was some sort of a Jewish Cult I
guess… can’t be called Jewish Today
2024-12-19 00:39:02 UTC
Anyways circumcised pluted is very jealous of the Jewish Religion and
because of this likely proud of his circumcised Christian dick —
believing himself to have bonded with god ;D

Hes a typical Christian antisemite, Kind of Funny they defend Nazis who
werent particularly happy about the Christian Religion… but I mean they
Are completely brainfucked so they don’t realize it… and idiots - like
ppeso and Oscar who Should know better - Entertained This Crazy fuck for
way too Long…
2024-12-16 15:58:39 UTC
Post by Frank Berger
Post by Zionazi
You‘re being pedantic…
You have a lot to learn. Quote me some health statistics regarding
circumcision. My understanding is that there are no serious differences
between cut and uncut. If you want to oppose circumcision on ethical
grounds, fine. But be sure of your medical facts before you start
telling me I'm gambling with my son's health.
Maybe I was a bit too harsh on you, since you are a bit older - and
since you generally seem to argue for the right things (except here for
example). Read what I wrote and I try to understand that you indeed
gambled with your son's health, or donn't. I wish you all the best -
which includes realizing that you gambled with your son's health...
unless it stresses you too much I guess.