OT: Erdogan
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2024-11-23 04:09:53 UTC
2024-11-24 11:43:53 UTC
„Erdogan remains a “valuable friend” for Steinmeier“


Still waiting for this exemplary German who was boldly claiming
„Solidarity with Israel applies“ last November to condemn the arrest
warrants against Netanyahu and Galant…

a bunch of hypocrites wielding way too much power in my country —
descendants of Nazis calling rabid antisemites like Erdogan valuable
friends… they have learned nothing from the past — backstabbing Israel
whenever possible, even feeling good about themselves about doing so…
thinking they are morally superior - you know after committing a
genocide, after murdering 6 Million Jews, the Germans have learned, they
have become good again, better than anyone else; look at how
pro-Immigration we are, look at how pro-Climate we are, look at how
pro-Transgender we are, look at how pro-humanity we are, look at how
anti-rightwing we are, look at how anti-Trump we are, look at how
anti-Wilders we are… we are truly the best… only we who have murdered 6
Million Jews, I mean who else, would be able to advise Israel on what
not to do, right? Don’t go into rafah don’t do this, try to compromise…
fuck Baerbock fuck Steinmeier — fuck Germany wholeheartedly

Viva USA
2024-11-25 03:38:13 UTC
Post by Zionazi
after murdering 6 Million Jews, the Germans have
learned, they have become good again, better than
anyone else; look at how pro-Immigration we are,
look at how pro-Climate we are, look at how pro-
Transgender we are,
What is the connection between murdering Jews (or
any other people) and tolerating transgender people?

Inquiring minds would like to find out how fit you
are; that is fit to be committed to an institution.

2024-11-25 08:27:47 UTC
Post by DeepBlue
Post by Zionazi
after murdering 6 Million Jews, the Germans have
learned, they have become good again, better than
anyone else; look at how pro-Immigration we are,
look at how pro-Climate we are, look at how pro-
Transgender we are,
What is the connection between murdering Jews (or
any other people) and tolerating transgender people?
Let me help you connect the dots…

What’s the connection between murdering Jews and being multi-kulti
(multi-cultural), being pro-Immigration, being pro-Islam?

Alain Finkielkraut (translated using google from German to English):

„Germany held federal elections and didn't even talk about immigration.
Germany was the dregs of Europe, now they're saying "We can do it". In
Cologne, the muezzin is even allowed to call people to prayer. I ask
myself: have the Germans lost their minds? Perhaps they've been hit so
hard by remorse that they've become idiots.“


What’s the connection between affirming(! - it’s not about toleration, I
tolerate them, I just don’t affirm them) transgender people and
murdering Jews?

Well… we don’t want to discriminate anybody anymore… so while in the
past Jews couldn’t be Germans, we have „progressed“ so much, learned so
much from our mistakes (sarcasm), that today not only can Jews be
Germans, but in Germany men can also be women :)

Telling a trans-person that he ain’t the sex he thinks to be is
considered hate-speech… telling a girl that wants to cut off her tits to
become a man (how misogynistic is our society that makes girls and women
hate themselves so much they want to become men? And cheregi etc the
transmen… they are envious of women ;) and try to claim womanhood
themselves and invade their spaces).

Again Finkielkraut:

„What is the problem when forms break down, when gender becomes
optional, for example? When there are no longer any guidelines regarding
one's own identity? One could also see this as a great freedom.

Life is not like that. There is an unchosen part of existence that one
cannot decide about. In America, students at all universities are asked
to give their first name. You can decide whether you are male, female or
nonbinary. You can walk in the door with a long beard and leave the room
as a woman. One guy made fun of the questionnaire and gave his name as
"Majesty". And in a way, this is exactly what happens: Man becomes the
majesty of his existence. Everything is possible. Everything is

Again: what is the problem?

It is a fake choice. Gender is precisely what we cannot choose. It is
predetermined by biology. Of course there are cases in which a sex
change is absolutely necessary. But that must remain the exception. In
the individualistic and technological madness in which we live, it
should actually be our concern to reconcile people with their

You should realize there is no such thing as trans-people… these are
mentally sick people who need help, but not in the way they think…
similar to a person who suffers from anorexia (who similar to
trans-people suffer from body dsymorphia) and who only feels better when
they starve themselves to 40kg… no doctor would tell them to starve
themselves to feel good about themselves… nor should a doctor tell
people to cut off their tits to change the gender

You seem to have absolutely no idea about anything but music lol

Removing the ovaries and uterus will make some trans-men into lifelong
patients, dependent on the Pharma-industry for hormones…. This is not
Post by DeepBlue
Inquiring minds would like to find out how fit you
are; that is fit to be committed to an institution.
I’d think surgeons who cut off the tits of teenagers because they deem
them to be transgender should be committed to an institution…

Furthermore people like you who can’t find anything wrong with such
barbarism should be committed to an institution…

And not to forget the rabbis and parents who like to cut off the
foreskin of babies… because of „tradition“ or because „god told them so“
should be committees to an institution :)
Post by DeepBlue
2024-11-25 08:33:49 UTC
*there are cases of intersex people (people with unusual chromosomes),
but that ain’t got nothing to do with trans ;)

In todays society little girls dream about cutting of their tits to
become men and most of the people - like Raydolf or Dan - can’t see any
problem with this… kinda sad, you have been completely dulled…
2024-11-25 08:52:45 UTC
A good psychoanalyst would try to reconcile the people who consider
themselves transgender and thus want to mutilate their bodies (sexual
organs etc) with themselves, instead of affirming their own hatred of
their body…

So if a girl hates her tits and wants the get rid of them… you don’t
affirm this - as „Transgender-Affirmative-Therapy“ does -, but you look
at where this might come from, try to get her to see that this is
trauma-related etc etc

Who in his right mind would want to mutilate their sexual organs? Why
cut off tits? This lessens the quality of life etc, it’s a very sensual
organ… you have to try to help these people love themselves the way they
2024-11-25 09:22:29 UTC
God damn it, fuck writing on the phone…

*cheregi is ofc a trans-woman, not a trans-man

The trans-movement is a misogynistic movement. I mean just look at how
trans-women are basically caricatures of real women…

And most trans-men are often either selfhating lesbians or just tomboys
who were brainwashed by this sick ideology in school or in the internet
or even by their parents…

Didn’t they pass a law in Scotland or sth; I think even in Germany,
where you can be fined for telling a trans-woman that she is actually a

So telling the truth is considered hate-speech today and considered a
crime… feelings over facts? ;)

So we live in an age of victim mentality, and whoever screams „I’m the
victim“ the loudest, will be given special attention (narcissism again)…

Fakestinians claiming victim-mentality
Transgender-people claiming victim-mentality
Muslims claiming victim-mentality
Guess who claimed victim mentality in the 1930s in Europe? That damn
Versailles treaty :) the damn Jews ;D

Guess what… all of these supposed victims are actually not victims but
the bullies…

People demonized Trump so much, that people tried to assassinate him… no
big deal, since it’s Trump, right? Just as it’s no big deal Erdogan is
bombing the Kurds because he ain’t a Jew…

Double standards

Imagine the outrage in western media if somebody had tried to
assassinate Biden… the right would be blamed, „hate speech yadda yadda“…
instead of reflecting on how the liberal media had their part in the
assassination, they only blamed Trump — the bullies blamed the victim

Trans-people bully women and also critics etc etc

Was there ever a time in which trans-people had more rights? Or Muslims
were more heard?

They really need a reality-check… trans-people are being affirmed by
almost everyone, the same goes with Muslims… everyone caters to their

Jews are being hunted in the streets, and trans-people think people are
out to get them? Trans-people are being babysitted, and they want more
and more and more….
2024-11-25 09:29:55 UTC
*claim to be victims (and they - say the fakestinians- truly believe

Instead of claiming victim-mentality
2024-11-25 09:33:58 UTC
Also take a look at Roland van Gaalen — he is quite dangerous.

See how neither Dan nor I told him to shut up, Dan even - more than once
- said that anyone is free to create threads and say what they want etc…

So Dan is actually the liberal guy here, Roland doesn’t want us to be
free to say whatever we like — which is also why he went to bluesky
instead of X…

So if Roland was a moderator Dan and I would’ve likely been banned; if
Dan or I would’ve been moderators Roland would not have been banned ;)

People like Roland mustn’t have too much power… similar to Merkel,
Scholz etc
2024-11-25 11:09:51 UTC
Post by Zionazi
Also take a look at Roland van Gaalen — he is quite dangerous.
See how neither Dan nor I told him to
shut up, Dan even - more than once
- said that anyone is free to create
threads and say what they want etc…
So Dan is actually the liberal guy here,
Dude, this is so absurd that it doesn't
deserve comment. The rules of this ng
are the rules of this ng, no more, no
less, and nothing else. Nothing to do
with liberalism or any political agenda.

And you appear to have forgotten that I
called for this group to be moderated
louder and more often than anyone else.

I have been accused of many things, yet
no one has ever accused me of "liberalism".

It is becoming increasinly obvious that
you are delusional and deranged beyond
imagination. Did you skip again your
morning dose of haloperidol? You really
need to have your head checked and the
mousse between your ears replaced with
fresh tomato sauce. And if you add a
few truffles they may raise your IQ
to 65.

2024-11-25 11:23:48 UTC
Post by DeepBlue
Post by Zionazi
Also take a look at Roland van Gaalen — he is quite dangerous.
See how neither Dan nor I told him to
shut up, Dan even - more than once
- said that anyone is free to create
threads and say what they want etc…
So Dan is actually the liberal guy here,
Dude, this is so absurd that it doesn't
deserve comment. The rules of this ng
are the rules of this ng, no more, no
less, and nothing else. Nothing to do
with liberalism or any political agenda.
Dude, in this instance you were obviously the liberal one… not hard to
see, except for you since you suffer from narcissistic personality
disorder - you’re just out to antagonize me, cause I made you feel
inferior :) how did I do so? By showing you how retarded you are… not
being able to see the connection between murdering Jews and having some
unconscious remorse which shows itself in German politics and German
Post by DeepBlue
And you appear to have forgotten that I
called for this group to be moderated
louder and more often than anyone else.
Not really. You have called for it, but in the other side you also - and
this is the context I was referring to - told people (be it Herman or
Roland) that they’re free to say whatever they want ;)

You’re just an opportunistic piece of shit with no principles — again:
narcissistic personality disorder
Post by DeepBlue
I have been accused of many things, yet
no one has ever accused me of "liberalism".
Well, you might not like the attribute, similar to how cheregi doesn’t
like being referred to with male pronouns — but truth is truth… you were
liberal wrt to Roland, Roland was illiberal wrt to you…
Post by DeepBlue
It is becoming increasinly obvious that
you are delusional and deranged beyond
imagination. Did you skip again your
morning dose of haloperidol? You really
need to have your head checked and the
mousse between your ears replaced with
fresh tomato sauce. And if you add a
few truffles they may raise your IQ
to 65.
How about realizing you’ve been triggered again, because you have
nothing of worth to say yourself, nothing valuable to add, you’re just
being a narcissistic bitch bitching around — no rational arguments on
your side, just pure resentment - which shows itself in its ad hominem
attacks directed towards me (which btw are pure projections Dan ;) )

It’s absurd your parents had do it penis mutilated thinking they’re
doing good lol
Post by DeepBlue
2024-11-25 11:33:15 UTC
*it‘s absurd your parents had your penis mutilated thinking they’re
doing good
2024-11-25 12:03:29 UTC
Just like all pathological narcissists Dan has difficulties
differentiating the exteriotiy from the interiortiy — so Dan has
negative feelings (interiortiy) when reading what I wrote, but instead
of being able to process them in a healthy way and engage in arguments,
he projects them outside, onto me :)

In Dan’s mind i am the bad guy for making him feel badly, making him
feel stupid etc — so he will attack me instead of trying to get a grasp
on reality, he can‘t, he never learned this, his parents fucked him up
for good, he’s too fucked up to realize this — really sad tbh — this all
happens more or less unconsciously, it’s like a primitive reflex in Dan
that makes him behave in such antisocial manners…

Dan has very little empathy, very little super ego functions, very
little insight in himself, and much less into other people — he is very
egocentric —, furthermore and because of what I said before, he is
unable to form deep meaningful relationships with humans — because he
didn’t have any with his parents, just a superficial one; likely his
parents spoiled him, likely they also disregarded his feelings etc etc

There is much more to say, but who cares; his parents fucked him up for
good, he will always be a narcissistic bitch
2024-11-25 12:17:20 UTC
Instead of dan realizing how stupid he was himself and being angry at
himself, this aggression gets turned to me, because I made him feel
stupid ;) it’s like a reflex, it’s an ego-defense mechanism

Dan considers himself to be special, superior etc; he can’t handle being
wrong, he can’t acknowledge being stupid (this would be a huge blow to
his inflated ego) and i showed him how he was wrong and that he is an
idiot… so I get attacked — Narcissistic injury* look it up

And imagine this, now I, a German, tell this narcissistic bitch Dan that
he’s wrong… this he can’t handle at all… a German telling him what an
idiot he was and how stupid his parents were for mutilating his penis
2024-11-25 12:52:02 UTC
Cope harder, Dan ;)

2024-11-25 11:29:11 UTC
Post by DeepBlue
What is the connection between murdering Jews (or
any other people) and tolerating transgender people?
Inquiring minds would like to find out how fit you
are; that is fit to be committed to an institution.
This Dan, is the question you’ve asked, and since I’ve shown you how
stupid you were, you got triggered, you completely forgot about the
question you asked me, and instead resorted to attacking me personally
—- not one argument from your side, just some narcissistic bitching
around as usual…

Grow some balls retard; your parents fucked you up for good, very likely
narcissists themselves…

Dan hasn’t learned to process his feelings in a mature manner, he is
stuck developmentally — this is the fault of his parents who mutilated
his penis when he was a baby :)